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Re: Infinite was worth the wait...
Date: 3/30/13 2:18 pm
In Response To: Infinite was worth the wait... (bryan newman)

: The main reason it was delayed was ended up getting cut
: anyway so the delay didn't do too much.

: It was worth it though!!!

I can't wait to get my hands on it. I still haven't finished AC3 yet for goodness sake. As for H4, I'm keeping my eye on the Forge Island stuff so I can possibly get in on some customs or whatever to see how that all goes because I have this feeling that the maps people make are going to rock, but boy did I call it on the X's and multiplayer as a whole.

Messages In This Thread

X markers are useless!ChrisTheeCrappy3/29/13 9:56 am
     Re: X markers are useless!happybuzzsaw3/29/13 10:36 am
           Re: X markers are useless!ChrisTheeCrappy3/29/13 10:43 am
                 And this surprises you? *NM*SonGoharotto3/29/13 11:01 am
                       HEY GUYS AT LEAST FORGE ISLAND IS COOL.Joe Duplessie (SNIPE 316)3/29/13 11:05 am
                             Said no one, ever. *NM*UnrealCh13f3/29/13 5:28 pm
                 Re: X markers are useless!pete_the_duck3/29/13 11:04 am
                       Re: X markers are useless!ChrisTheeCrappy3/29/13 11:22 am
                             Re: X markers are useless!Moorpheusl93/29/13 11:31 am
                                   Re: X markers are useless!ChrisTheeCrappy3/29/13 11:34 am
                                         Re: X markers are useless!Moorpheusl93/29/13 11:39 am
                                               Re: X markers are useless!ChrisTheeCrappy3/29/13 12:34 pm
                                   Re: X markers are useless!General Vagueness3/29/13 6:19 pm
                                   Re: X markers are useless!Monochron4/2/13 10:15 am
                             Re: X markers are useless!General Vagueness3/29/13 6:14 pm
     Well that didn't take long...RC Master3/29/13 12:03 pm
           More like 3 hours.UnrealCh13f3/29/13 5:30 pm
                 Re: More like 3 hours.Avateur3/29/13 9:53 pm
                       Infinite was worth the wait...bryan newman3/30/13 8:41 am
                             Re: Infinite was worth the wait...Avateur3/30/13 2:18 pm
                                   Re: Infinite was worth the wait...General Vagueness4/1/13 12:20 pm
     My eyes, the goggles do nothing! *NM*ZaneZavin23/29/13 12:44 pm
     Re: X markers are useless!Asian Inferno3/29/13 5:26 pm
     Re: X markers are useless!General Vagueness3/29/13 6:31 pm
           Re: X markers are useless!ChrisTheeCrappy4/2/13 11:31 am

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