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Messages Posted (The HBO Forum): 3
Most Recent Post: 8/26/13 10:40 pm

carnegie mellon university
pittsburgh, pennsylvania

originally a native of the DC metropolitan area

writer by trade, cynic by nature

my gamertag is oddworld18 - usually i'm playing halo 2 between 10pm-1am on the east coast, odds are if you join a party with KP or goatrope you'll find me there, screaming like a little girl as i manage to hurtle myself off virtually every ledge on lockout.

oh, and my roommate (theREALchompy, if you see him online) and i originally created the "fist ass extreme" gametype which is now becoming popular among the HBO crew.

fist ass extreme was inspired by one of dan chosich's myriad wonderful gametypes called fist ass.

fist ass extreme is the newest incarnation. the goal is to have fun and kill with style. there is no win condition; the game will only end if you quit or if the host ends it. there are three oddballs in the center of the map that can be picked up if you want a giant arrow over your head, or an extremely effective melee weapon.

the rules are, you spawn with a plasma pistol as your primary weapon, and a random weapon as your secondary weapon. you spawn with plasma grenades and the map's weapon set is "covenant" (this is to insure the plasma grenades at spawn). shields and player damage are all standard. there is no time limit and no win condition for the oddballs.

fist ass extreme is best played with 3-5 players on lockout.
AIM: jackbootparadox