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Re: Stupid Beta

Posted By: Drunken Ghol (
Date: 12/18/1999 at 11:03 p.m.

In Response To: Re: Stupid Beta (Forrest)

: There's also the "acit el calendar" in GURPS
: Myth. Drunken Ghol, or anyone who has it; care to tell
: us what Acit El means?

Unfortunatlly I do not own a copy of the GURPS, what I posted was what I remembered reading befor I had to leave the store. I should have the thing within a week, I get payed next Friday. The only fact that I can remember about the calender was that it had several date types, A.E, B.A(am uncerten about B.A, just use it as an example and not a set fact) and others. This may imply that the date names change every so often. I would wager that it is changed when a great hero is in power, and the people wish to please him.

Also(and I say this only becouse I find it interestin) Lanvecarven was the original name of Muirthemni. It was renamed when Clovis made it the seat of his new Cath'Bruig empire.

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