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Re: Stupid Beta Needs Macbugs

Posted By: Jenova (
Date: 12/16/1999 at 11:08 p.m.

In Response To: Re: Stupid Beta Needs Macbugs (Forrest)

Thanx i have run into alotta problems with Bungies TFL loathing and fear that are cleared right up by pressing g, not restarting. I thought it crashed each time macbug came up.


: Select a mesh, click OK. Macsbug (not Macbugs! It's an
: acronym for Motorola [something] Compiled Software
: deBUGger, or some such) should pop up with that sound
: error. Type "g" and hit return. Then it
: should continue on to the main screen. Whenever
: Macsbug pops up, just try hitting "g", and
: it should continue - lots of beta programs have
: intentional traps which drop you into Macsbug at
: certain points, to let the programmers check on
: things.

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