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Re: Stupid Beta Needs Macbugs

Posted By: Forrest (
Date: 12/16/1999 at 6:03 p.m.

In Response To: Re: Stupid Beta Needs Macbugs (Jenova)

: Dammit i can't get it to work and i want to ! Can you
: tell me exactly what your system is and how you got it
: to work, also i think it may be missing somthing,
: cause i crash as soon as i click ok on a mesh. Macbugs
: says something about a sound being corrupt or missing
: but i'm not sure.

Select a mesh, click OK. Macsbug (not Macbugs! It's an acronym for Motorola [something] Compiled Software deBUGger, or some such) should pop up with that sound error. Type "g" and hit return. Then it should continue on to the main screen. Whenever Macsbug pops up, just try hitting "g", and it should continue - lots of beta programs have intentional traps which drop you into Macsbug at certain points, to let the programmers check on things.

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