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You want eatz? I got eatz!

Posted By: Duckyjo (
Date: 1/26/2001 at 7:06 a.m.

In Response To: Re: Myth Roleplaying (Uriel)

: Eeek...I'm no good at puzzles. I assume you're referring
: to the Myth RPG you and DuckyJo were working on this
: time last year...I still have an old copy of the rules
: on my hard drive somewhere. You probably don't
: remember, but I was actually going to join your PBEM
: game for awhile (under a different name), but then
: flaked out because, well, because I'm a total flake.
: Anyway...perhaps your puzzle (which I'll translate
: when I'm less exhausted) addresses this point, but I
: think the D20 rules are particularly well-suited for
: the Myth world. If you're interested in discussing
: this further, email me at

: Uriel


Good thing I happened along here at this particular moment in time. I haven't stopped by the Asylum in quite a while, since all I hear about every time I'm here is Myth III. Oh well. Here's the info that I have on everything that this thread has been talking about, aside from willy's puzzle because I suck at those too.

PBEM GAME: Well, in my experiences PBEM's just don't work so well. I guess we always get one started and it just dies at some point. Willy was running it, and I lost track of it from there. Maybe we could try one later. Anyway, though, since last year around that time I've been working on my RPG rules (which I'm planning on going commercial with at some point, but not as a Myth conversion). As of today they are over 100 pages of rules, source, and so on. It would take a little over a day to convert my game into myth, since the game is made to be able to convert almost as easily as GURPS. The problem is that PBEM's are kinda hard to do. So here's my other plan...

Willy and I have been working on rules for a War/strategy game for myth. I've worked on it even more in the past few days, and it's pretty much finished. Turn-based war games are much easier to run with PBEM's so I'm thinking of doing that. Each player controls some generals and armies, and wage war against each other for a while and all that good stuff. It'll be little more than a few days before the rules are all set, (by the way willy, I've been working on those things while you have too, so I've got a working set of rules somewhat different from the ones I sent you) so if people want to join up soon, email would work really good for that.

Here is the other thing that I know. On the argument of D&D vs GURPS. Well, I don't know if you guys know my opinion on GURPS and D&D, but as far as I'm concerned D&D is a far inferior system than GURPS. The latter, however, truly does lack in the heroic part that Myth might want, but here's what I say:

There, I said it. What I'm trying to say is that if people really want to play myth in other forms, changes are going to have to be made. In any RPG that you play, a bowman is not going to take ten hits with an axe before dying. It's just not going to happen. Not to mention other things. GURPS has that little bit of reality, but I must admit that it doesn't have enough of the heroic stuff. D&D has a little bit too much of the heroic thing. Not to mention D&D is just horrible for making PC races. An elf in D&D gets +2 dex and -2 con. What the hell is that??? Is that all an elf is good for? What about the fact that elves are smarter and wiser than humans? Better lookin'? To have all those advantages an elf would have to have something like -6 in con, strength, and other things. It just doesn't work out right. What if somebody wanted to be a trow? Yeah, that's right.
If you want a game system that will have the heroics and the reality, as well as be better adaptable, here's my list o' good games.

Palladium: they make rules for fantasy, superheroes, and sci-fi, so it's easy to convert to everything. It's got tons of the heroics stuff, but suffers the races problem that D&D has.

Harn Masters: very good game, very realistic, but heroics can come in. Races are so easy to make there it's just nutty.

Visions of Darkness: (that's the working name for my game). Since I created it with myth in mind, it's perfect. That's all I have to say about that.

So what I really wanted to say is that we should play the war game. That's got all the good stuff. And stay away from D&D. Did my subliminal message work?

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