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Re: Celtic Myth Cycles

Posted By: Ghôlsbane (
Date: 11/7/2001 at 10:16 a.m.

In Response To: Re: Celtic Myth Cycles (Shr)

A quick scour of the internet a while ago with a little help from google produced these tidbits of info on names. warning a lot of this is unedited...sorry

The Callieach (willow?)

Grandmother of the Clanns
Ancestress of the Caledonii Tribe
The legends of the Caledonii tribe speak of the "Bringer of the Ice Mountains", the great blue Old Woman of the highlands. Called Calleiach by the people, she was the Beloved Mountain Giantess who protected the early tribe from harm and nurtured them in her sacred mountains. Known variously as the "blue hag", the "Bear goddess" and "Boar goddess", "owl faced", and "ancient woman", this Neolithic goddess has survived through the ages to care for her people. We have not forgotten her, and she has blest us with her wisdom and protection.
The various epithets of the Callieach lend a clue to her vide spread worship; coming form the continent, her worship spread to the pretannic isles early after the recession of the glaciers. The proto-celtic peoples honored her and blended her varying aspects, creating images invoking both love and terror. And is this not true in nature itself? The gentle, nurturing presence of the mother Boar or Bear, can instantly turn into terror when her cubs and little ones are threatened; so with the Callieach. By her people she was seen as a nurturing mother, a wise old woman who guarded them through out the winter months, a stark contrast to the sleeping goddess of the winter in many pagan faiths. Yet, we should not be surprised at this, finding that the crone aspect of the goddess, brought down from Neolithic times, is inherent in her.
The Callieach may also be seen as a goddess who governs dreams and inner realities. The mysteries that celebrate our unconscious may be found to be her province. She is the goddess of the sacred hill, the sidhe, and the place where we enter into the hidden realm of fairies and spirit beings. And she guides us through our initiatory journeys into new realities deep with in the ancient mysteries she governs.
Sacred stones, the bones of the earth, are her special haunts. Anywhere that their are stone formations of exceptional beauty, or where you have set up standing stones for worship are excellent places to honor her. Celebrate Her on her Feast Day, 21 November!

A Ritual to Honor the Callieach

You will need to find a spot deep in the woods, near a stone formation. Waterfalls are also excellent spots to honor her.
Bring sumptuous offerings, oats, oil, grain breads, and ale.
These express your gratitude for her providence.
Gather water in a bowl and raising it to the sky say:
By the powers of Land and Sky and Sea, I come this day to this place to honor the Callieach, Mother of the Clanns, Grandmother of the people.
I pour out this water to refresh her from her summer sleep and to bless the earth she rules.
Then you may compose a short song of thanks giving to the Old One for the blessings she has brought into your life. This may be a prose or poem that you wish to recite to her.
After this, lay your offering on the ground and pouring out the oil say:
Grandmother Callieach, I honor you this day, remembering your name!
I bring these offering to honor you and to pray for your blessings on the clanns and tribes of your nations. We remember you, we honor you. Bless us with warmth and abundance during the cold times. Watch over us as we sleep this winter, be near to protect us and to guide us in our journeys. You have been with us since the time of the mists, be honored by what we do this day!
Place your gifts there and quietly withdraw!
If you like, you may visit the place often, creating a standing stone shrine to honor Her.

Cailleach Beara
The Irish/Celtic who was said to turn to stone every April 30 (Beltine) and to be reborn every October 31 (Samhain). She was represented as an old hag.

Cailleach is referred to as the "Mother of All" in parts of Scotland. Also known as Scotia, she is depicted as an old hag with the teeth of a wild bear and boar's tusks. She is believed to be a great sorceress.

One superstition regarding Calliach is that the farmer who is last to harvest his grain would be the person to "look after" Caileach for the rest of the year, until the next harvest. The first farmer who finishes harvesting would make a corn-dolly from the grain he has harvested. He would, then, pass it on to the next farmer who finishes. It would keep going until the corn-dolly ends up with the last farmer. That last farmer would be obligated to watch the "old woman".

She is also known to have created the earth.

"With her hammer she alternately splinters mountains, prevents the growth of grass, or raises storms. Numerous wild animals follow her..."
-- Encyclopedia of the Occult, 1920

Another name for her is Skadi.

Callieach, the Gold. The Warrior's Moon, associated with power, passion, and strength. Her avatar is a warrior woman, armored and wielding a trident.


The Trows from the Shetland Islands are related to the Scandinavian Trolls. Like their Nordic relatives, they hate sunlight, for this turns them into stone. Trows were observed many times performing a strange dance, which the islanders call 'Henking'. There are land-trows and sea-trows. A common phrase used by mother who were angry with their children was 'Trow take thee'.

this is an extract from a poem, i forgot where and when its from

‘Merlyn Nightseer’

Who writes the crystal script. Whose spectral robe is the spiralling filament staircase down which the 13 galactic rays descend into Camelot's subterranean lake where untold fragments of the one dream swirl in numinous self-absorption emitting strange electrical charges attracting to each other their own forgotten sources.

notice how it talks about "fragments of the one dream"

Sinis (the shade)

Sinis is called the Pine-bender. He bends pines and ties travelers to both of them, one leg to each pine tree. When letting go of the trees, the victim is thus ripped into two. When Theseus comes along, he kills Sinis and has an affair with his daughter Perigoune, whom Sinis has hidden midst a field of asparagus. She bears him a son Melanippus.

Sciron (the shade)

A robber of Greek legend who infested the parts about Megara. He forces travelers to wash his feet and then kicked them from the rocks into the sea where they were devoured by a sea monster. Sciron was slain in the same fashion by Theseus.

Caliban (earely sword age king) and Sycorax (a shade)

Caliban came from a character in Shakespeare's play The Tempest. He was a deformed son of the witch Sycorax who imprisoned the fairy Ariel (a moon of Uranus) for disobedience. In The Tempest, the magician Prospero frees Ariel from Sycorax's spell and makes Caliban a slave.

this name is quite close to culwyeh


Gullveig ("goldbranch") is the sorceress and seeress who had a great love and lust for gold. She talked of nothing else when she visited the Aesir. They listened with loathing and eventually thought the world would be better off without her so they hurled her into the fire. She was burned to death, but stepped from the flames unscathed. Three times she was burned, and three times she was reborn.
When the Vanir learned about how the Aesir had treated Gullveig they became incensed with anger. They swore vengeance and began to prepare for war. The Aesir heard about this and moved against the Vanir. This was the first war in the world. For a long time the battle raged to and fro, with neither sides gaining much ground. Eventually the gods became weary of war and began to talk of peace. Both sides swore to live side by side in peace.
Gullveig is also known under the name of Heid ("gleaming one"). She is probably the goddess Freya, who also has a great love of gold in the various myths.

there's some quite good stuff in there and if anyone wants to extract the important stuff and put it in a response, go ahead...sorry im just too lazy to do it myself.


: It'd like to add a name - "Culwyeh". It says in
: one of the Wight descriptions: "...once known as
: the Messengers of Culwyeh, a name now forgotten by all
: but the most devout pupils of Necromancy, these
: miserable creatures seek only release from their
: hellish existence."
: "Culwyeh" is obviously a Celtic word. There are
: no pages listed on Google with Culwyeh on them (except
: Myth ones), so it's either a very obscure name or was
: simply made up (or misspelled?). Maybe it is a Gaelic
: word.

Celtic Alluions

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