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Halo 3 Soundtrack Review...Sort of.
Posted By: John_117 <>Date: 11/20/07 11:37 a.m.

[b]Note: This is more of an opinionated review, and I have yet to finish the soundtrack in its entirety...[/b]

Well I made note to go out first thing this morning and buy the Halo 3 soundtrack. Funny part was, it was still in the box sitting on the floor near the shelfs...I have a friend working in the electronics department at Wal-Mart so he gave me a hand digging for it. =D

Well needless to say I ripped open the pack before I even made it car and I popped it right in to my cars CD player...

The first track is entitled 'Luck' (I can't help but recall the first part of 'Fall of Reach' with Dr. Hasley and young John talking about games and luck.)

The feeling evoked by Marty's passionate composing and long extensive hours invested in to the entire soundtrack is hard to miss...At first I wasn't quite blown away, but more so mystified by the beats playing, strings plucking at just the right time, and so on and so forth. I myself am I musician and so for me it is easy to understand and more so appreciate how musical compositions such as this are formed...And if you feel every sound and hear every beat, you can literally [i]feel[/i] that feeling the game gives you...(and the only reason you got that feeling was probably because of the soundtrack playing during the game in the first place. lol)

It wasn't long before the soundtrack began to pick up, and I was hearing things I either didn't hear in game, or was too caught up in the action to pay that close of attention. And trust me...when I say pick up, if you like fast paced, hard beating drums, and a feeling of adrenaline - this soundtrack is surely to give you that feeling.

I am a long time fan of orchestrated music, and I took music lessons, music class all throughout high school...My music teacher was a musical genius...And so I like to think my opinion is that of an experienced when I say you feel a certain triumphant type emotion brought to you by the sound, and a feeling of dread, action, worry, intensity, etc...all these feelings are like shot in to you so rapidly...Which is EXACTLY what a composer wants to do, and it is EXACTLY what Marty has done. So kudos to you, again - for the third time Martin.

Yet there are a few downfalls, that are...well so minor you would barely even notice them if you were a true halo fan. A lot of the music set for the Halo trilogy is - for lack of a better word - 'repetitive'. You're often hearing things you've heard before, and can even recall from the second game. BUT this is what composers tend to do. The most common themes you hear within the games...HAVE to order to give the whole composition that same consistent feeling. It was done in all three Lord of the Rings, and Marty only followed suit, as he should have. But to some people, that might come off as annoying. But in the good portion of this very slight and minor downfall, every time you hear a certain part 'replaying' Marty has put a different, and typically 'nifty' spin.

Honestly...I'm very critical when it comes to soundtracks, and how the composers choses their sound, and how they recycle it for better or worse... I love John Williams, and almost all his music...But some I still have complaints with him, and Howard Shore, Danny Elfman...etc etc. But DO not misinterpret that, I buy their soundtracks, I put them on loop and I enjoy almost every minute...But I can still find some things to critique them on, just as Marty...

But as for the soundtrack in whole - from what I've heard so far... - Its brilliant, and if you are at all a fan of Halo (which I think you are, otherwise you wouldn't be reading this.) I [b]highly[/b] recommend you go out and purchase this. I got it for 14 dollars Canadian...Its a powerful and moving soundtrack and yes..I will say it - he has bested himself once again....this blows the other two soundtracks out of the water, in my humble opinion...And I loved those soundtracks!

So, there you have it...a minor review on the Halo 3 soundtrack.

Message Index


Halo 3 Soundtrack Review...Sort of.John_117 11/20/07 11:37 a.m.
     Re: Halo 3 Soundtrack Review...Sort of.JAY132 11/20/07 12:29 p.m.
           Re: Halo 3 Soundtrack Review...Sort of.ST 11/20/07 12:38 p.m.
                 Re: Halo 3 Soundtrack Review...Sort of.John_117 11/20/07 12:51 p.m.
                       Re: Halo 3 Soundtrack Review...Sort of.R.Geiter 11/20/07 3:57 p.m.
     Re: Halo 3 Soundtrack Review...Sort of.Clefton Twain 11/20/07 2:09 p.m.
     I think it's fantastic.Crackshot53 11/20/07 4:00 p.m.
     Re: Halo 3 Soundtrack Review...Sort of.siliconmaster482 11/20/07 4:54 p.m.

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