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RvB Set Pieces V (... been a while, but not much)
Posted By: Hawaiian Pig <>Date: 9/29/04 7:21 p.m.

RvB Set Pieces V...the end?

(that date is actually real ^^)

Well, its been forever, i havent even been to HBO since... months :O.
Unfortunately while i did promise that i'd get every single request done...
well i guess lied... i was busy looking for a mod for a "very special" one (i
was gonna make one that looked like it was out of the H2 universe i may still
get around to it...). The mod hunting sent me over to ... where i
searched high and low for a decent H2 mod for Bloodgulch on Halo CE...all i
found were maps.... so i set out on trying to create my own, and i got caught
up with creating a Halo 2 HUD mod for Halo PC (easier to mod, more on the mod
at the bottom, its an outstanding mod now :P). So, because of this, I'm
releasing the entire collection here plus the two i had managed to do months
ago. It'll be the last for a while, but dont worry, all those who made
requests, i will, when i start doing this again, get yours done, but for
now..that H2 HUD is taking top priority :P.

If i can find some decent webhosting, i'll upload a rar (or zip, whichever u
guys prefer) of the psd docs, so u can customize your scene ;) in hi res and
no jpeg compression. Maaaaybe i can get it hosted here at HBO ... if Louis is

The New Ones

(they may or may not be new...but i think they are, they've been
sitting on my hard drive for a while :P)

(an extra large quote for a ... well a hard pic to make, as far as i remember)

"Today Looks Like A Good day To Die - Wait! I think Today Is actually A good Day To Retreat, Can't We Push Dieing To A Week From Friday - Yeah, Let's All Take Dieing As An Open action Item, And Come Up With Suggestions Next Meeting -
NO! It Has To Be Today! For Our Ancestors... Chaaaarge - Wait Everyone, Stop Fighting! It's All A Lie, Red is Blue, Blue is Red, It's All The Same! - Wait Sarge, I Can't Hear What That Guy's Saying! - I Love Blood And Violence, I Got a Boner For Murder - What Did You Say Blue - I Said There's No Red Vs. Blue It's All Just An AHHH Son-Of-A-Bitch!"

No director(s)

"Hey, It's That Guy Who's Name I Forget" (no Director Shot available, 'cause this is from the director's perspective)

The Gallery














(Uncropped/Director: Available upon Request)


(With Text, Is Available Upon Request, but here's the one with the typo :P

Well, thats all for now, here the link to that Mod i've been working on (and compared to what i've been improving on, it looks much better than it does now, so keep an eye on it)

It's an Outstanding Mod! (Yay)

If you're ever looking for these, I'll most likely walways have em at the end
of all my posts. (of course i don't see myself frequenting here until im done
with the mod, and I probably won't be here for the first week or two after
Halo2 is released...spoliers)

Message Index


RvB Set Pieces V (... been a while, but not much)Hawaiian Pig 9/29/04 7:21 p.m.
     Nice! *NM*KoRnKid 9/29/04 7:33 p.m.
     Very nice. :) *NM*insaneidiot432 9/29/04 7:33 p.m.
     Thanks *nmHawaiian Pig 9/29/04 9:18 p.m.
           Re: Thanks *nmLouis Wu 9/30/04 8:28 a.m.
                 Re: Thanks *nmHawaiian Pig 9/30/04 2:23 p.m.
     Re: RvB Set Pieces V (... been a while, but not muPico 9/30/04 12:37 a.m.
           lol, that was cool *NM*Hawaiian Pig 9/30/04 2:24 p.m.

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