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Seeking to make movies again
Date: 5/11/23 1:55 am

Howdy folks. I just thought I'd mention that I'm seeking to make some movies again. The immediate reason is that I've been enjoying some fantastic glasshouse battling lately, and really wanted to record some of it for posterity, if nothing else. So yesterday I acquired a second-hand early 2008 iMac cheap, and I'm currently trying to get it set up how my original movie-making 2008 iMac was before it died on me (just days after hanging up my helmet).

After a bit of a struggle to 'downgrade' it to a suitably old version of the Mac OS (old enough to run the old software I was using, principally iMovie '09), I'm encouraged to find that I'm part way there. Well, iMovie is currently refusing to launch, so that's not very helpful, but I'll continue the tech struggle and we'll see how things go.

Messages In This Thread

Seeking to make movies againRockslider5/11/23 1:55 am
     I look forward to your new videosCaptain Spark5/11/23 8:59 am
           Re: I look forward to your new videosRockslider5/11/23 5:09 pm
                 Re: I look forward to your new videosCaptain Spark5/11/23 5:46 pm

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