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Re: Escalation #18 preview *SP*
Date: 5/13/15 2:39 pm
In Response To: Re: Escalation #18 preview *SP* (serpx)

: This comic should be pretty epic. I'm not sure how I feel about ordinary
: marine turning into a Spartan -- that's quite a jump, but maybe she just
: had a lot of untapped potential. She'll most likely be the red Spartan in
: Halo 5, with Locke's team. Otherwise we're just randomly learning about a
: new Spartan unless she just plays a large role in future comics, versus
: the books.

Woah there, buddy. She's a soldier, not a Marine. There's one of those difference thingy majigers. In any case, she's really not all that ordinary. Holly's engineering skills are top notch for someone so young and she's even a capable fighter who thinks on her feet. Plus she survived on a glassed, occupied planet for some three years. At the very least you could imagine her being in a comparatively conventional special warfare unit.

Also, she's totally the far left gray/blue Spartan. It's a fact*.

: I'm excited. The new art is helping a lot with getting into the world. Halo
: got me into comics!

Definitely! For comics I like something that's as lifelike as possible such as this, or a style with some good flair. The Halo Graphic Novel is a great example of the latter. Escalation's earliest issues are an example of how not to do the former.

Messages In This Thread

Escalation #18 preview *SP*Grizzlei5/13/15 1:10 pm
     Re: Escalation #18 preview *SP*Archilen5/13/15 1:54 pm
           Re: Escalation #18 preview *SP*Grizzlei5/13/15 2:10 pm
           Re: Escalation #18 preview *SP*serpx5/13/15 2:33 pm
                 Re: Escalation #18 preview *SP*Grizzlei5/13/15 2:39 pm
                       Re: Escalation #18 preview *SP*serpx5/13/15 4:25 pm
                             Re: Escalation #18 preview *SP*Grizzlei5/13/15 4:57 pm
                                   Re: Escalation #18 preview *SP*serpx5/13/15 5:29 pm
                                         Re: Escalation #18 preview *SP*Grizzlei5/13/15 5:35 pm
                       Re: Escalation #18 preview *SP*Postmortem5/13/15 8:16 pm
     Re: Escalation #18 preview *SP*Quirel5/14/15 3:15 pm

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