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Re: ^This
Date: 5/9/15 1:38 pm
In Response To: ^This (Quirel)

: When we are quite through with this topic, we may move on to the field of
: infantry small arms, and why the MA5B and MA5C should be filling different
: roles, rather than one being a replacement of the other.

As much as I'd love to see the MA5B's original 60-round magazine used across the Fleet, even with modern advancements in today's high-capacity magazines, I totally have to agree with you. At least in retrospect the MA5B and MA5C/D fill two distinct roles within infantry units. The former two are your standard service rifles with an "average"-sized magazine of 32 rounds. They're your M4A1 or AK-12 issued to absolutely everyone. The MA5B, in retrospect, is more of a squad automatic weapon with its high capacity magazine possibly in an attempt to standardize weapons at the squad-level. In this role they're similar to the M27, L86, and RPK, all with considerable drawbacks to a dedicated SAW platform like the Minimi/M249.

I wouldn't blame them trying to cut down on the number of weapons in a rifle squad. With the Marine TOE you're probably looking at an assortment of MA5 rifle, M6 pistol, BR85 or M392 rifle, M7 submachine gun, M739 SAW, M45 shotgun, and M41 rocket launcher. You could simplify the use of MA5, M7, and M739 completely with something like an MA5B. The M7 really should be reserved for vehicle and air crews, combat support/service support troops, and special operations troops. The M739 is not much of an improvement on the MA5B with a mere 120% increase in magazine capacity. Widespread use of a rifle with a 60-rounder across the fireteam negates the SAW's rate of fire advantage. That's 4 shooters putting down 240 rounds at a time instead of 72.

Messages In This Thread

Those crazy Russian bastards have gone and done itQuirel5/7/15 1:12 am
     Re: Those crazy Russian bastards have gone and donGrizzlei5/7/15 4:21 am
           I thought this was about Halo Online :( *NM*gamerguy20025/7/15 11:13 am
                 Oh no you don't!Grizzlei5/7/15 2:57 pm
                       ^ThisQuirel5/9/15 4:23 am
                             Re: ^ThisGrizzlei5/9/15 1:38 pm
                                   So... gun talk.Quirel5/11/15 12:43 pm
           Re: Those crazy Russian bastards have gone and donQuirel5/9/15 4:15 am
                 Re: Those crazy Russian bastards have gone and donGrizzlei5/9/15 2:42 pm
                       Re: Those crazy Russian bastards have gone and donQuirel5/9/15 5:29 pm
                             Re: Those crazy Russian bastards have gone and donZackDark5/9/15 10:07 pm

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