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Cubeskew 3: Skewed with a Vengeance
By:lee georgeton
Date: 4/26/15 11:24 pm

At the bottom of this message is a walkthrough of Cubeskew 3: Skewed with a Vengeance.

This is the third installment in my Cubeskew series. It's quite a bit larger than the last two and more complex thanks to scripting. There are also now several checkpoints to prevent players from becoming overly frustrated. Cubeskew 3 is primarily designed for a single player, but I've ensured it works for multiple players as well. The main issue with multiple players is that they may interfere with object spawning from time to time, but not enough to enable cheating or to break the map.

The journey through Cubeskew 3 is relatively linear, but the path is not always easy to discern. There are a few very minor shortcuts, but the player is never allowed to fully bypass any obstacles. You'll often have to go down before you can go up and periodically exit the cube in order to move forward within it.

ForgeHub map page:

You can access my file share by friend request (GT = LEE C G) or find me on the Halo CE: The Pillar of Autumn, Easy leaderboard with a time of 7:38.

Be sure to also download the Cubeskew 3: KOTH game type from my file sahre so that there is a proper ending to the mission.

Here's the walkthrough:

Messages In This Thread

Cubeskew 3: Skewed with a Vengeancelee georgeton4/26/15 11:24 pm
     Re: Cubeskew 3: Skewed with a VengeanceJoe Duplessie (SNIPE 316)4/27/15 3:09 am

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