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If you died, then you were given a number of options/choices as to where to spawn. If you didn't choose a location, yourself, before the timer ran out, then the game would spawn you at the point in which you were viewing. The most popular option was to simply spawn on your "Buddy". If you wanted to do this, then you simply needed to cycle your death cam to your "Buddy" and press the Spawn button.
Now, there were advantages and disadvantages to this "Spawn Buddy System". The Disadvantage was that your spawn location would become very predictable. Unlike normal spawns, there were limited locations to spawn. At times, this lead to spawn camping. However, if you knew the spawn was being camped, you could easily avoid it and spawn elsewhere. Or you could spawn there and try to take the camper out before he took you out. But like I said, these Spawn areas have advantages and disadvantages to them.
The only other choice was to spawn on your "Buddy". But you could only do this if he was either alive or not in combat. Being alive a requirement made perfect sense. However, the "In Combat" limitation did not. The player did not even have to be shot at to be classified "In Combat". The player simply needed to be in proximity of firing enemies to cause this limitation. This meant that if your buddy needed help, then you could not step in to back him up.
Halo Reach certainly wasn't the first (nor the last) game to implement a "Spawn Buddy System". But it's implementation did greatly improve the gameplay. One of the BIGGEST issues with Halo's Multiplayer are the predictable spawns. And this in large part due to the predetermined spawn locations of a map. These areas are, naturally, called "Spawn Areas". And they do work. They are just way too easy to predict, locate, and camp. Because of this, I am suggesting 343 Industries return the "Spawn Buddy System" However, in a more useful manner.
The "Spawn Buddy System" should return to Halo (starting with Halo5) with all of the current Spawn systems in tact. However, don't limit the "Spawn Buddy System" to a certain game-type as it was in Halo Reach. Instead, allow it in all game-types. Allow players to spawn on ANY of their team-mates if said team-mate is in combat or not. This way they can truly work together when they need the help the most. That or steal a team-mate's kill. lol.
That said, there does need to be limitations on the "Spawn Buddy System". For example, players can not use the "Spawn Buddy System" with a team-mate that is already in a Objective (KOTH, CTF, Territories, etc) zone; nor if he is already in the enemy's base. Reach's Invasion mode allowed "Buddy Spawning" in capture points. I suggest removing this option seeing as how it would abuse the system. I also suggest NOT allowing team-mates to spawn inside of vehicles. The last thing we need is a GaussHog driver (or tank) getting consistent support.
What brought up this idea? Well Halo Reach's Invasion Mode did, to be honest. I loved it's spawning feature/options and have been wanting it to make a comeback in normal You see, I've been playing Battlefield Hardline (BFHL) at a friend's house and, though it does have it's own issues, the spawn system works very well. I don't like that you can spawn on contested capture points or in vehicles (thus making them even more OP). But the over-all spawn system does indeed work very well.
Now, before some of you start flaming that "That's Not Halo!" or "Keep You Game Out Of My Game!", let me make something clear. I am in absolutely no way suggesting that BFHL is better then Halo nor am I suggesting we make Halo BFHL. That would just be silly. I'm, instead, suggesting that Halo's MP be improved on and this is a great way to do so. Loadouts are not a bad thing, IF they are implemented well. And that took Halo Reach, 4, and then 2A to get that right. In LARGE part due to the developers not listening to the players. The spawn system is simple to fix as well.
The feature can be easily implemented into Forge Mode as well. use the same Spawn Zones/Areas, that have always been used. Just include a "Anti-Buddy" option to the list of a zone's options menu. Much like a trait zone, Forgers would be able to disable the Buddy System for that zone. Thus, making it easy to prevent group/team camping and stop players from spawning in enemy bases. The added feature to these zones can also be added to capture points like Hills and Territories. Don't want a Flag Carrier to have a Spawn Buddy? Then disable it in the Flag Stand's options. Or in the CTF options of the game-type.
As I stated earlier, BFHL's Spawn system does have it's own share of problems. But this is due to players being able to spawn anywhere on the map. This can be fixed in Halo5 with anti-spawn zones. But BFHL's spawn issue is also due to players being flat out dumb and not watching their surroundings.
Anywho, that's my suggestion and ideas to help improve Halo's Spawning system. We already know it works. And some minor adjustments could possibly improve it even more. That is all.
Spawn Buddy System Returning To Halo? | SEspider | 3/28/15 9:22 pm |
Re: Spawn Buddy System Returning To Halo? | Hyokin | 3/28/15 11:44 pm |
Re: Spawn Buddy System Returning To Halo? | Gravemind | 3/29/15 12:13 am |
Um... Wu? | SEspider | 3/30/15 1:13 am |
Server lost them | ZackDark | 3/30/15 1:18 am |