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Halo has died
Date: 3/11/15 5:47 pm

Well, not died exactly but it is crawling and depressingly reaching for a lifeline.
I'm referring, of course, to Halo on the Xbox 360. It's lost a HUGE chunk of gamers when the MCC came out on the Xbox One. No one on my friends list even plays the 360 anymore, let alone the original Halo games. Sure, there are a few friends that still boot up the console from time to time, but it's rare. And when they do, it's not for Halo.

One of my favorite aspects of Halo is Forge. I absolutely love working in Forge. But even my enthusiasm for Forge has died. What's the point? None of my friends play the game, and there's no longer a chance of ever getting a map in Matchmaking. I tried to work in Forge today, just to get a idea out of my head. But within 5 minutes, I closed it out w/o saving. It just ended up feeling like tedious work without a purpose.

Matchmaking is worse then ever. Fewer players equal less equal teams. I've been in the Black Screen, due to quitters, almost as much as I have in actual games. Then there's the fact that EVERYONE seems to be complete idiots. There may be a few players that play the game well, but the majority of gamers, now, are Complete Noobs. Seriously, how does my entire team always ignore the vehicles when playing Team Heavies?! No joke. I have to (almost) always yell to them to grab a power weapon or power vehicle AT THE START OF THE GAMES!! I've gotten more first strikes in the last week then I think I have in the last two years. Even when the objective is to capture a Hill or Domain, the entire team would just drive or run past it. WITHIN FEET OF IT! You want to play ANY DLC map? Forget about it. No one seems to have them at all. Not even Forge Island, which is really sad. Objective games are nothing more then slayer. Players just ignore the objectives all together. Wanna play Snipers? Too bad. Players are just running around and assassinating the few that actually try to play correctly.

I've given up on every game-type but Heavies and Swat. Those are the only game-types that I ever have a chance to win due to idiot team-mates. In heavies, I can just take the tank or sniper (cause no one else ever goes for them) and win the game. I don't even have to leave the base. Because if I do, then I know my comrades will not help protect me. Everyone seems to have a Plasma Pistol, but I still manage to take them out AFTER having me tank EMPed. It's crazy. So crazy and easy that it's not even fun anymore. I've even taken out tanks and banshees with a sniper because players are so naive as to how to take me out with the vehicle. Sadly, I'm finding myself playing Heavies on Meltdown more and more. Same with Swat and Panic Station. Heck, I keep end up joining games where my team has clearly lost only to turn it around for them. And I'm Not A Skilled Player! I SUCK. It's been 7-8 month since I played Halo4 and I'm owning all the other players??

I earned a few month of Gold until March 23rd. And I find myself wishing I never used it. It's just not fun to play Halo anymore. Not on the Xbox 360. Only good thing to come from it, so far, are the free games. Sniper Elite 2 being lots of fun. I want to play Halo. I really do. But I just end up finding myself being bored with it now. Or angry with it, due to the dumb players on my team.

At this stage in Halo Reach and Halo 4, on the Xbox 360, ALL of Halo's DLC should be a requirement. Or at least greatly discounted. With Reach's DLC being Free.

This was bit of a rant, but mostly a observation after being offline for so long.

Messages In This Thread

Halo has diedSEspider3/11/15 5:47 pm
     Re: Halo has diedserpx3/11/15 6:13 pm
           Still playing Reachrhubarb3/11/15 6:21 pm
     Re: Halo has diedzofinda3/11/15 8:07 pm
           Re: Halo has diedgamerguy20023/12/15 12:24 am
                 Re: Xbox360 is dyingthebruce03/12/15 10:13 am
     Re: Halo has diedCARDO 8 ATL3/12/15 12:27 am

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