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Re: What does *BO run on, anyway?
By:Louis Wu
Date: 3/1/15 5:18 pm
In Response To: Re: What does *BO run on, anyway? (Toby Dillman)

: I work in a datacenter so this kinda stuff is interesting to me. Do you
: colocate or is it all stuff managed by your provider? Or do you have
: sitting in a rack in your basement (100TB/month from a house sounds insane
: but I've been coming to HBO for a long, long time and wouldn't count it
: out)? has been in a lot of different hosting situations over the years (started in a closet in an Oklahoma high school, some servers have spent significant time in my basement, there've been both colocated and rented servers in many states). Right now, it's all rented equipment, primarily in Texas (though one server is actually in Georgia, and one is in Washington). It's unmanaged (cheaper that way), but they're around if something goes catastrophically wrong and I need new hardware swapped in.

Messages In This Thread

Apologies - disk errors :(Louis Wu2/23/15 12:50 pm
     D= *NM*Quirel2/23/15 2:10 pm
     Re: Apologies - disk errors :(Stephen L. (SoundEffect)2/23/15 2:13 pm
           Re: Apologies - disk errors :(Hyokin2/23/15 2:18 pm
                 Re: Apologies - disk errors :(Stephen L. (SoundEffect)2/23/15 6:26 pm
                       Re: Apologies - disk errors :(CARDO 8 ATL2/23/15 7:30 pm
                       Re: Apologies - disk errors :(Cody Miller2/23/15 11:16 pm
                             Re: Apologies - disk errors :(uberfoop2/24/15 12:06 am
                                   Re: Apologies - disk errors :(Gravemind2/24/15 1:59 am
                                         Re: Apologies - disk errors :(CARDO 8 ATL2/24/15 2:28 pm
     What does *BO run on, anyway?Arithmomaniac2/24/15 12:02 am
           Re: What does *BO run on, anyway?Grizzlei2/24/15 1:00 am
           Re: What does *BO run on, anyway?Revenant19882/24/15 9:43 am
           Re: What does *BO run on, anyway?Louis Wu2/24/15 2:45 pm
                 Re: What does *BO run on, anyway?Arithmomaniac2/24/15 8:48 pm
                       Re: What does *BO run on, anyway?davidfuchs2/24/15 9:59 pm
                             Re: What does *BO run on, anyway?MacGyver102/25/15 1:59 pm
                                   Re: What does *BO run on, anyway?Louis Wu2/25/15 4:37 pm
                                         Re: What does *BO run on, anyway?Arithmomaniac2/25/15 11:27 pm
                                         Re: What does *BO run on, anyway?davidfuchs2/26/15 8:05 pm
                                   Alright, let's make this happen *NM*TDSpiral2/25/15 6:13 pm
                 Re: What does *BO run on, anyway?Toby Dillman3/1/15 1:53 pm
                       Re: What does *BO run on, anyway?Louis Wu3/1/15 5:18 pm

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