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This highlights an issue I've had with 343..
Date: 2/10/15 8:22 pm
In Response To: Re: Halo 4 - First Person Assassinations (gamerguy2002)

: Annnnnd update!:

: Description: "Some people asked for another video from the victims
: point of view so i delivered.
: Enjoy."

343 has been peddling the multiplayer as "War Games" that actually happen, but the first-person view of assassinations highlights the lethality of neck-snaps and stabs (and that's not even getting into vehicular splatters and explosions)...

The multiplayer just can't mesh well with the canonical universe (especially the try-hard descriptions that we're given about the maps themselves), and they reinforce that fact themselves...

Still, would have been neat to have first-person animations sometimes. Imagine seeing a sword jab through your torso as you're lifted in the air... Man, that'd be awesome...

Messages In This Thread

Halo 4 - First Person Assassinationsgamerguy200211/3/14 1:28 pm
     Re: Halo 4 - First Person AssassinationsTDSpiral11/3/14 2:17 pm
           Re: Halo 4 - First Person AssassinationsRevenant198811/3/14 2:37 pm
                 Re: Halo 4 - First Person Assassinationsasa11/3/14 4:12 pm
                       Re: Halo 4 - First Person Assassinationsgamerguy200211/3/14 9:05 pm
                             Re: Halo 4 - First Person Assassinationsasa11/3/14 9:20 pm
                                   Re: Halo 4 - First Person Assassinationsgamerguy20022/9/15 9:32 pm
                                         Re: Halo 4 - First Person Assassinationsrobofin1172/10/15 1:17 am
                                         This highlights an issue I've had with 343..munky-0582/10/15 8:22 pm
                                               Re: This highlights an issue I've had with 343..thebruce02/11/15 9:22 am

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