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Re: Dust and Echos. . .
Date: 2/4/15 11:35 am
In Response To: Dust and Echos. . . (The Guardians)

: I joined this community back when halo was first in it's infancy. . .my
: brother introduced me to the game fresh off the presses; came home -now
: popped that gleaming disc in the clunky drive and that was the first time
: I experienced the spine-chilling menu music. Keep in mind, I had only ever
: played super nintendo and one or two n64 games up until this point
: (goldeneye notwithstanding) So when I was shown this strange character
: hopping out of a frozen tube - in gleaming green iridescent armour, I knew
: something special was about to happen. - being thrust through the first
: few moments of the game was unbelievable - the flames poured through the
: pipes on the lefthand bulkhead as I struggled to find my way through the
: cooridors. I ran forward still, with no weapon. . .only to reach a locked
: door - a dead end. Instead of losing hope, I turned around and hoped right
: through those flames (I was amazed at the fact that this guy had shields
: which would take damage and recharge - burning bulkheads? Yeah. More like
: smoldering smulksheads) Bad quips aside -- I danced down the hall and
: looked to my left only to find a wounded marine sitting on the ground, I
: couldnt't help him. . .yet. Running (or haphazardly jogging) through the
: armory - through gunfights I had never seen in a video game before -
: plasma scorched the walls, shields flickered and dimmed, bullets pinged
: off metal girders. And all I could think was "I need weapon". -
: finally making my way to the bridge is where I saw the scope of the thing
: which would encompass a huge chunk of my life from that point on -the
: Halo.

: This community is responsible for an amazing amount of experiences that
: followed that inial shock and awe. It brought people together, with pizza
: - camping; laning - and LORD knows what else. My point in writing all of
: this, however dilluded it might be - is that I think it would be pretty
: awesome to get everyone together foragain an oldschool, halo 1; original
: xbox, complete with fat controller + pizza (claudes buying) anyone
: down?!?!!

Hi there!

When and where? Among the current active community members, I'm not sure how many still have operable original Xboxes, so that might be an issue.

In lieu of being able to share pizza, an online H1 custom game night (using the MCC) would be fun. I've been doing that now and then with a few friends, and as the kids say, the FEELS! Great times.

Messages In This Thread

Dust and Echos. . .The Guardians2/3/15 7:24 pm
     Re: Dust and Echos. . .The Guardians2/3/15 7:28 pm
     Re: Dust and Echos. . .Kermit2/4/15 11:35 am
           Re: Dust and Echos. . .thebruce02/5/15 9:48 am
                 Re: Dust and Echos. . .The Guardians2/6/15 2:17 am
                       Re: Dust and Echos. . .melee2/6/15 12:55 pm
                       Re: Dust and Echos. . .Louis Wu2/6/15 6:38 pm

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