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MCC file share
By:General Vagueness
Date: 1/30/15 2:29 pm

How do I get to someone's files when they're not on? I heard about doing it through the campaign leaderboards, and I checked and I can get to people's file shares that way, but I have someone not showing up that played with scoring on. None of the lists are long and I checked the correct difficulty and a bunch of levels, so I'm not just missing the name.
What's required to show up on the leaderboards? Is there a bug in how that happens?
Is there some other way to get at file shares besides the roster and the leaderboards?

Messages In This Thread

MCC file shareGeneral Vagueness1/30/15 2:29 pm
     Re: MCC file shareGeneral Vagueness1/30/15 2:31 pm

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