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Re: ODST Remastered...
Date: 1/27/15 12:02 pm
In Response To: Re: ODST Remastered... (padraig08)

: I'm assuming it's getting the same treatment as Halo 3 did in MCC, and
: perhaps more polished that Halo 3's treatment considering this is that
: team's main focus right now.

: If they strictly port it over like they did for Halo 3, this is what you can
: expect: -Campaign up rezzed and up fps'd (no guarantees on the lighting
: system reacting well to the scaling, just ask Halo 3)

Well, that was what they promised when they first announced this game, but thanks for clearing that up, Paddy.

: -Theater will remain as it existed (sans the ability to save clips or
: screenies to file. Luckily, the DVR and future screencap function make
: this livable, but not comfortable.)

Yeah, that's what I was wondering. It makes little sense that they can't include its theater mode independent of the stupid DVR setup. It kills a lot of the point of the saved films if you can't rewind or save them permanently. Like a bit of footage that happened at the end of an hour-long session? Better be ready to fast-forward for 20 minutes immediately after the game, because you aren't gonna be able to see it again otherwise. What's that? You accidentally missed that moment? Welp, gotta start over from the beginning of the clip again...

: -All interactions outside of the game missions and instances will the handled
: by the MCC menu (still wip)

Dangit. So there were hooks, and 343 had planned this all along. Jerks.

: If they add some gravitas or revamp the theater for ODST, I hope that carries
: into H3, as they have pretty much the same theater mode. But I personally
: wouldn't hold my breath for that. All we know is it's being brought in, at
: least as a port. No word on it being remastered like H2A.

Yeah, they really need to scrap that DVR garbage and give us back saved film files. What's the point of having a fileshare and video option if they're not in the dang disk? That's borderline false advertising...

I hope they address this in some way... But probably not, since HaBro 5 is the big focus, and the ODST team is reportedly just working on porting the campaign (splinter team dedicated to fixing the Emblems on MCC aside).

Messages In This Thread

ODST Remastered...munky-0581/27/15 8:50 am
     Re: ODST Remastered...padraig081/27/15 10:33 am
           Re: ODST Remastered...Cody Miller1/27/15 11:17 am
                 Re: ODST Remastered...padraig081/27/15 2:01 pm
                       Re: ODST Remastered...Cody Miller1/27/15 8:00 pm
           Re: ODST Remastered...munky-0581/27/15 12:02 pm
                 Re: ODST Remastered...padraig081/27/15 1:59 pm
                       Re: ODST Remastered...AfroRyan1/28/15 1:02 am
                             Re: ODST Remastered...padraig081/28/15 9:43 am
     Re: ODST Remastered...gamerguy20021/27/15 10:44 am
           I don't think you understood the questions...munky-0581/27/15 11:52 am
     Re: ODST Remastered...MacGyver101/27/15 4:59 pm
           Re: ODST Remastered...Kermit1/28/15 3:00 pm

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