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Halo 5 Beta Montage, and some other stuff
Date: 1/23/15 4:39 pm

I put together some clips I captured on my Xbox One Game DVR, uploaded them to my One Drive, and then edited them all in After Effects. I might touch it up a bit later, but pretty happy with it as is. Equal mix of quality moments and terrible playing. I hope you all enjoy. Also there's some SNES music this time, all from Zombies Ate My Neighbors.

Secondly, my pal Derek aka Fulton44Reed put together a wonderful little super montage of him and all his friends, of which I am one. It has Halo 3, 4, and Reach clips. The bit in the scrolling credits is a vivid memory.

Thirdly, in non-montage related news, I noticed this prophet in the beta on Truth and I recorded it. I wish I could have recorded it for longer, but the nature of random matchmaking made that pretty difficult, but you'll get the gist of it from the clip. I love little things like this; it really makes the maps feel alive.

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