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Re: Beta test for upcoming MCC patch
Date: 1/21/15 11:50 pm
In Response To: Beta test for upcoming MCC patch (General Vagueness)

: why? why now? what's in it? your guess is as good as mine

Apparently from what I'm hearing around, a Fix-All patch we've been waiting for. but they don't want to release it only to have it backfire in some way so they want to test the patch on a small number of people and report to see if it causes any problems.

If the focus group passes then we all get it. if it doesn't then its back to the drawing board. it may sound dumb but it does make sense from some standpoint, the patches have been backfiring in some form whenever they were released 1 thing gets fixed another gets brok'd but have it tested first and fix the broken issue then your left with a pretty bug free fix.

Yet people think this is a dumb idea, so damn if you do damn if you don't.

Messages In This Thread

Beta test for upcoming MCC patchGeneral Vagueness1/21/15 10:12 pm
     Re: Beta test for upcoming MCC patchGeneral Vagueness1/21/15 10:14 pm
     Re: Beta test for upcoming MCC patchgamerguy20021/21/15 11:50 pm

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