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My Halo 5 Beta Impressions
Date: 1/20/15 1:17 pm

So let me start by saying I "enjoyed" Reach and Halo 4. I didn't like sprint in Reach, did in Halo 4. But I could always tell it didn't feel right, and the article about how your weapon was ALWAYS ready to shoot hit the nail on the head for me. I only played a few games, but enough to get used to it (Destiny ate my game time because of that Grind and MCC sour taste in my mouth)

That being said, I actually liked the beta a good amount (in terms of gameplay). It felt fun, and still retained that Halo feel, other than not always being able to shoot as mentioned. I had a blast trying the new movements and it's what I thought we would get from the Halo 4 promo's. I do think the Ground Pound and Shoulder Charge are not needed, but it is nice to see more options. The hovering thing is a bit odd as well, but just like in Destiny, it hurts the player using it more in my experience then their targets (although sniper head shots did change that). The flow feels like things are always moving while pushing people to choke points (could be the maps), so you always have an idea of where the other team is going to be. I just enjoyed the game even when I was losing, can't say that for Halo 4. I lost 2 in a row in Halo 4, I stopped playing for a week cause I didn't at least enjoy my time.

I didn't mind ADS. yes it makes things a bit too accurate. For none headshot weapons they should disable that but as a reader of the books, this is something I always expected Spartans to have. Thank god descope is back!

A ton of trick jumps on Regret and Eden that I don't think people knew. AND DYNAMIC MAPS! You could shoot stuff on Eden and line of sight changed! I hope we can do that in forge.

I do feel that some of the features are so they can get other gamers to join Halo, and that I do not like. I understand you need to make money, but quick kill times and gimmicks are not Halo.

I will list my issues, as I do have more than the things I like, and plan and simple the direction is not changing, but we can massage that direction. I personally don't mind the changes, as long as they still feel Halo. And I think they are close with the beta.

Also, Forge pieces and features look cool. I am excited for that.

1) If you must have a kill Cam, it better show the person ACTUALLY aiming at me. I can't NOT be frustrated when I get 4 shot, and I see the guy shooting behind me in the Kill Cam. Either it works correctly, or throw it away.
2) Grenade Physics? I just couldn't understand them. Some times they would bounce far, sometimes short. I very rarely got them to act the same way if I just threw 2 in a row. Maybe that's just me, as I still got some kills and saw some YouTubers with great throws but it didn't make sense to me.
3) Lighting/Art Style - It's just not Halo. It makes it Hard to see people in the maps. COD: AW had this problem, thats why I played it 2 days and stopped, cause I couldn't see the people shooting me. Also maps like Eden can never be competitive with an all Blue color scheme and Lightning happening (although I do love the lightning). Covie look like Beetles, not just curving lines.
4) Agreed that Sprint does make some of the maps big and therefore there are some huge sight lines. If they fix issue #5 it might not be such a huge deal.
5) Spawn camping/Spawning with people looking at you happened all the time (worse than any prior Halo game). 1 death usually meant I had 1-2 more. That made issue #4 worse, because I couldn't get away.
6) Kill times. People (me) die way too quickly. And yet everyone always avoided that final headshot from me. But I felt being team shot was a death before I even shot back most of the time (could be issue with gun not being ready)
7) Needless Rocket launder change. It just makes me sad. Simple as that.
8) Map Remixes: Not a negative but we better still get 10-12 different maps (so 20-24 total), cause doing 6 so we get 12 is just not enough.
9) Chatter: Just tone it down, don't need to know I got a headshot, the announcer already told me. Tell me when you see a guy, maybe an assist.
10) The hit marker sound. It just breaks things for me. It wasn't awful, but it wasn't all that helpful.

I am sure there is more, but I am at work and wanted to put the thoughts down since the beta is over (I forgot it was done or I would have played more this weekend)

Messages In This Thread

My Halo 5 Beta ImpressionsChrisTheeCrappy1/20/15 1:17 pm
     Re: My Halo 5 Beta ImpressionsGeneral Vagueness1/20/15 3:37 pm
           Eden Dynamic Elements...ChrisTheeCrappy1/20/15 6:15 pm
                 Re: Eden Dynamic Elements...Clip of itChrisTheeCrappy1/21/15 11:23 am
                       Even better video, shows all of themChrisTheeCrappy1/22/15 3:31 pm
     Things I missedChrisTheeCrappy1/20/15 6:23 pm
           Re: Things I missed...RADAR DISTANCE!ChrisTheeCrappy1/21/15 11:24 am

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