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Xbox One/Xbox Video Media Streaming *OT*
Date: 12/31/14 1:49 am

Hi all,

Sorry for the off topic talk. I posted this on the Xbox Forums but have yet to receive an answer and I thought you guys would probably be more helpful. I'll basically copy what I posted in the Xbox Forums.

"So my Xbox One is a part of my network and can be seen by my PC. I know that through windows media player, by right click and 'sending to' on a windows media player compatible file, you can stream a video to the Xbox One.

However the part I don't understand is that .mkv files aren't compatible with windows media player, therefore I am unable to use the method above with .mkv files. But .mkv files are now compatible with Xbox Video, on both Windows 8.1 and Xbox One.

My question is there a way I can stream .mkv files from my PC to the Xbox One? Can this streaming of .mkv files be done through Xbox Video on PC? Because I couldn't appear to get it to work. I've added the .mkv files I wanted to watch to 'my collection' on Xbox Video on my PC, but I can't appear to stream these to Xbox, and Xbox Video on Xbox One can't see these files.

Or am I able to drop the .mkv files on USB and transfer them to the Xbox Once? I have yet to try this but if I can do it, that seems to be the easier option.

I hope that makes sense. Again any help or wisdom would be appreciated. Thanks!

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