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Re: So is MCC really the top priority?
Date: 12/19/14 1:43 pm
In Response To: Re: So is MCC really the top priority? (avatarofchaos)

: That's how I read it and that's what I'm expecting when I get home from work
: and redeem my access.

That's adorable and all, but MCC is still busted. If it's so busted that you have to delay an outsourced mobile game's launch, one would think they'd delay the Beta. I suppose my gripe is that I won't be playing their waste of time Beta and would much rather they fix MCC. But hey, "improvements" have been made to MCC so far, and that's their main word, so if that satisfies them, yay I guess.

Messages In This Thread

Preview Program gets you early access to Halo 5Chris101b12/18/14 5:50 pm
     I was meaning to do that weeks ago :( *NM*Pennybags12/18/14 6:14 pm
     So is MCC really the top priority?Avateur12/18/14 7:42 pm
           Re: So is MCC really the top priority?serpx12/18/14 9:59 pm
                 Re: So is MCC really the top priority?avatarofchaos12/19/14 8:45 am
                       Re: So is MCC really the top priority?thebruce012/19/14 9:37 am
                             Re: So is MCC really the top priority?avatarofchaos12/19/14 10:15 am
                                   Re: So is MCC really the top priority?Avateur12/19/14 1:43 pm
     Re: Preview Program gets you early access to Halo JDQuackers12/18/14 7:44 pm
           Re: Preview Program gets you early access to Halodavidfuchs12/18/14 8:56 pm
           JD "5 kids" Quackers *NM*padraig0812/19/14 9:39 am

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