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Customs Night (close parenth edition)
By:General Vagueness
Date: 12/18/14 2:07 pm

The year, among other things, is drawing to a close. We're not in the last week of the year, and for that matter next week isn't the last either, but some things that are pretty significant are ending sooner or have already ended. Our time with Halo: Reach, at least our time playing it as much as we have been, is ending, and our time playing the Xbox 360 version of Halo 4 has effectively ended-- both of which are more good than bad.
For anyone getting lost, the "we" and "our" refer to Community Customs and our regular game night, which we call Customs Night. It's a weekly get-together held in Halo where we play custom and standard gametypes on custom and standard maps. We play the old and the new, the simple and the complicated, the competitive and the silly. It starts this Friday at 9:00 PM EST and runs until everyone's tired of customs.
For this week we'll still have iHyokin and ShadowoftheVoid hosting games in Halo: The Master Chief Collection and myself, Gnrl Vagueness, hosting games in Halo: Reach.
If that sounds fun, why not join us? You can sign up by replying to this post with your gamertag. (Signing up is optional but preferred.) If you do join us, we simply ask that you keep your words respectful and in a reasonable volume and that you just generally act pleasant.

Messages In This Thread

Customs Night (close parenth edition)General Vagueness12/18/14 2:07 pm
     Re: Customs Night (close parenth edition)ChrisTheeCrappy12/18/14 2:16 pm
           Re: Customs Night (close parenth edition)Hyokin12/18/14 3:42 pm
     We're actually doing something on X1 side right? *NM*Pennybags12/18/14 3:47 pm
           I'll be online.Gravemind12/19/14 3:52 pm
                 Scratch that.Gravemind12/19/14 5:17 pm
                       Well, I'll be online for anyone on MCC tonight. *NM*Pennybags12/19/14 7:01 pm
                             Re: Well, I'll be online for anyone on MCC tonightHyokin12/20/14 1:09 am
                                   Re: Well, I'll be online for anyone on MCC tonightGeneral Vagueness12/20/14 2:47 am
                                   Re: Well, I'll be online for anyone on MCC tonightLouis Wu12/20/14 2:08 pm
                                         Re: Well, I'll be online for anyone on MCC tonightHyokin12/20/14 3:27 pm
                                               Re: Well, I'll be online for anyone on MCC tonightChrisTheeCrappy12/20/14 5:01 pm
                                                     Re: Well, I'll be online for anyone on MCC tonightHyokin12/20/14 6:21 pm

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