Customs Night (remembering in December edition)
Do you feel that? A chill in the air... unmistakable, unforgettable, it feels like... custom games... or winter, probably winter. Still, Customs Night is tomorrow night. It'll be a good time to remember Reach, and the good times that came even earlier. What's Customs Night? Customs Night is a weekly get-together held in Halo where we play custom games. The matches are played with custom and standard maps and gametypes ranging from new to old, simple to complicated, and straightforward to silly. We start at 9:00 PM EST every Friday and play until everyone is tired of customs.
This week we're continuing to have iHyokin and ShadowoftheVoid hosting games in the Master Chief Collection and myself, Gnrl Vagueness, hosting games in Reach.
If that sounds fun, why not join us? You can sign up by replying to this post with your gamertag. (Signing up is optional but preferred.) If you do join us, we simply ask that you keep your words respectful and in a reasonable volume and that you just generally act pleasant.