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Re: They didn't say custom game servers......
By:General Vagueness
Date: 11/7/14 12:14 am
In Response To: They didn't say custom game servers...... (robofin117)

: I had always assumed they were for matchmaking. I definitely don't know why
: it's such a fuss.

The fuss is because some of us expected the game to work better in this area than it will-- however unrealistic it apparently might have been, people looked forward to that and talked about it, and 343i did nothing to mitigate those expectations. After releasing this compilation people didn't expect, including every single map ever made, and blowing all previous versions of Forge out of the water, I think a lot of people got their hopes up more. That is, until today, less than a week before release, when a lot of people have bought consoles and pre-ordered the game. I haven't, but I feel for people who did do that and did it mainly for custom games and weren't clued into whatever cost-benefit analysis or server architecture thing or whatever it is that apparently makes dedicated servers for custom games unrealistic.
Now I'm wondering if this how the people feel who are mad about how small Destiny is... probably not, they seem a lot madder or more bitter, I'm mostly just disappointed. I think the volume of posts, and the fact people are explaining and defending their thought process, and other people are telling them why they shouldn't have thought that in the first place and it was dumb and making into more of an argument, are all making it seem like people are more upset than they are (or were before this turned into a whole thing).

Messages In This Thread

MCC - NO dedicated servers for custom gamesDEEP NNN11/6/14 11:53 am
     So what's the problem?Revenant198811/6/14 12:58 pm
           Re: So what's the problem?General Vagueness11/6/14 2:17 pm
           Re: So what's the problem?DEEP NNN11/6/14 2:25 pm
                 Re: So what's the problem?Revenant198811/6/14 2:37 pm
                       Re: So what's the problem?General Vagueness11/6/14 3:40 pm
                             Re: So what's the problem?DEEP NNN11/6/14 4:05 pm
                                   Re: So what's the problem?CARDO 8 ATL11/6/14 4:51 pm
                 Re: So what's the problem?Bosticman11/6/14 3:10 pm
     Re: MCC - NO dedicated servers for custom gamesThe Loot11/6/14 1:01 pm
           Re: MCC - NO dedicated servers for custom gamesGeneral Vagueness11/6/14 2:18 pm
                 Re: MCC - NO dedicated servers for custom gamesHyokin11/6/14 3:05 pm
                       Re: MCC - NO dedicated servers for custom gamesthebruce011/7/14 9:37 am
                             Re: MCC - NO dedicated servers for custom gamesHyokin11/7/14 3:34 pm
                                   Re: MCC - NO dedicated servers for custom gamesthebruce011/10/14 10:46 am
     Re: MCC - NO dedicated servers for custom gamesMacGyver1011/6/14 4:16 pm
     Not a huge dealSchooly D11/6/14 5:35 pm
           Re: Not a huge dealGeneral Vagueness11/6/14 5:44 pm
                 Re: Not a huge dealSchooly D11/6/14 5:53 pm
                       Re: Not a huge dealGeneral Vagueness11/6/14 7:22 pm
           Re: Not a huge dealDEEP NNN11/6/14 6:31 pm
                 Re: Not a huge dealJoe Duplessie (SNIPE 316)11/6/14 7:15 pm
                       Re: Not a huge dealGeneral Vagueness11/6/14 7:30 pm
                 Re: Not a huge dealSchooly D11/6/14 7:19 pm
                       Re: Not a huge dealGeneral Vagueness11/6/14 7:44 pm
     Never assume anythingMoorpheusl911/6/14 5:58 pm
     You guys can't be serious.Joe Duplessie (SNIPE 316)11/6/14 7:22 pm
           Re: You guys can't be serious.General Vagueness11/6/14 7:38 pm
           Re: You guys can't be serious.DEEP NNN11/6/14 8:05 pm
                 Re: You guys can't be serious.General Vagueness11/6/14 11:55 pm
                 Re: You guys can't be serious.Louis Wu11/7/14 12:14 am
                       Re: You guys can't be serious.munky-05811/7/14 10:11 am
                       Re: You guys can't be serious.General Vagueness11/7/14 10:50 am
     They didn't say custom game servers......robofin11711/6/14 9:30 pm
           Re: They didn't say custom game servers......General Vagueness11/7/14 12:14 am
     Y'all are a bunch of whinersIbeechu11/7/14 2:41 pm
           Re: Y'all are a bunch of whinersRevenant198811/7/14 3:01 pm
                 Re: Y'all are a bunch of whinersAvateur11/7/14 3:05 pm
                       Re: Y'all are a bunch of whinersRevenant198811/7/14 4:02 pm
                             Re: Y'all are a bunch of whinersGeneral Vagueness11/7/14 4:43 pm
                                   Re: Y'all are a bunch of whinersRevenant198811/7/14 5:24 pm
                                         Re: Y'all are a bunch of whinersAvateur11/7/14 5:27 pm
                                         Re: Y'all are a bunch of whinersmunky-05811/7/14 5:29 pm
                                               Re: Y'all are a bunch of whinersRevenant198811/7/14 5:39 pm
                                         Re: Y'all are a bunch of whinersGeneral Vagueness11/7/14 8:20 pm
                                               Really.gamerguy200211/8/14 11:08 am
                                                     Re: Really.Hyokin11/8/14 12:08 pm
           Re: Y'all are a bunch of whinersGeneral Vagueness11/7/14 4:41 pm

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