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Re: Remaking the Legend: H2 Anniversary documentar
Date: 11/3/14 1:04 pm

: Interesting how whenever anyone from Bungie talks about Halo 2's development,
: they still always preface it with how much they screwed up the development
: cycle and how much had to be cut. Really suggests that the Halo 2 we got
: wasn't the game they intended it to be.

: I'd kill to see the original script!

Ya, I am curious as to what the original script might have been like - and what type of character development may have been lost as a result. I just watched IGN's podcast with Max Hoberman last night and he said the original plot did not include a trip to delta halo. Although he admitted to being a bit foggy on campaign details since he was entrenched in MP, he seemed confident on this one. I don't remember hearing about this in the past but maybe it's just been too long - either way, delta halo was the scene for several levels, seems quite surprising this was a new direction taken during some of the cuts for campaign.

Messages In This Thread

Remaking the Legend: H2 Anniversary documentaryGrizzlei10/31/14 2:20 am
     Re: Remaking the Legend: H2 Anniversary documentarLouis Wu10/31/14 3:30 am
           Re: Remaking the Legend: H2 Anniversary documentarGrizzlei10/31/14 3:43 am
           Re: Remaking the Legend: H2 Anniversary documentarlaird10/31/14 11:33 am
                 Re: Remaking the Legend: H2 Anniversary documentarlaird10/31/14 11:58 am
                       Thanks! *NM*Louis Wu10/31/14 12:07 pm
     Re: Remaking the Legend: H2 Anniversary documentarDHalo10/31/14 8:02 am
           Re: yeslaird10/31/14 11:59 am
                 y it no load? *NM*thebruce010/31/14 5:36 pm
                       Re: y it no load?Louis Wu10/31/14 5:40 pm
     Re: Remaking the Legend: H2 Anniversary documentarMasterz133710/31/14 1:20 pm
     OMG, Mike's hairMr Daax10/31/14 3:52 pm
     BEAMISHMetalingus62710/31/14 9:09 pm
           That's awesome. :) *NM*Louis Wu10/31/14 9:23 pm
           Re: BEAMISHasa11/1/14 4:17 pm
     It's getting harder and harder to say no!LostSpartan98710/31/14 9:20 pm
           Re: It's getting harder and harder to say no!gamerguy200211/1/14 11:51 am
                 Re: It's getting harder and harder to say no!uberfoop11/1/14 1:24 pm
                 Re: It's getting harder and harder to say no!LostSpartan98711/1/14 6:11 pm
                 Re: It's getting harder and harder to say no!thebruce011/2/14 9:18 pm
     No Downloads? *NM*Morpheus11/1/14 11:19 am
     Re: Remaking the Legend: H2 Anniversary documentarApollo11/2/14 4:15 am
           Re: Remaking the Legend: H2 Anniversary documentarMelee11/3/14 1:04 pm

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