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Halo Wars - Uncaged screenshots
Date: 10/29/14 2:39 am

So back in March I was contacted by a guy who was wanting to do a piece on HW. He needed my help in getting some specific screenshots of campaign levels to help drive and highlight what he was going to talk about. I don't think the piece he was doing ever came to fruition (he never replied to my last email in April), so out of respect I won't go into details on it. However, I've been sitting on these screenshots since then and figured I should stop playing Destiny for a moment and share them with others. What follows is what I'm calling "Halo Wars Uncaged", due to how I removed many limits that forbid close-up/clear/etc shots.

I don't really have the time to properly format these into a gallery or whatnot, so I just threw them up on a website for anyone to peruse. You can browse in JPG format, or you can download the 7z'd source BMPs (~58MB). Well, I say "source BMPs" but really the original screenshots were in DDS format.

In total there's 57 images which I curated (based on the requester's needs for each mission) from a couple of screenshotting sessions of the first three campaign missions. I tried doing various quick tricks to disable the entire ingame UI and some VFX. However, many of them didn't pan out, required more modding than I could commit, or broke some other part of game which I needed to play/advance the game in some manner. So I just stuck with doing my best to keep the UI state at a minimum during screenshots.

Just in case anyone wonders, no, I don't intend to do any more screenshots from later campaign missions.

"I'm gonna break my rusty cage....and run!"

Messages In This Thread

Halo Wars - Uncaged screenshotskornman0010/29/14 2:39 am
     Re: Halo Wars - Uncaged screenshotsArteenEsben10/29/14 7:51 am
           Further proof that the MC doesn't even liftkornman0010/30/14 12:19 am

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