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Keyes hangar battle *VIDS*
Date: 10/22/14 7:36 pm

This trio of H1 movies gives my first coverage of the Keyes hangar battle, a three-way conflict I wrote about in 2007. Repeated spawning keeps feeding covies and Flood into the area, and there are lots of ways to have fun with that if you stick around instead of just running through (which is really all you need to do). You typically get 35-37 enemies.

To kick things off, BCM116 illustrates the gleeful covie-slaying 'door ambush' plan with a shotgun, and BCM117 covers 'platform survival'. And if any of that gets your trigger finger twitchy, there's also BCM118 showing how to create a good save with multiple weapons available for pick-up at the start; the very save I use for the other movies in fact (and there's a fair bit of entertainment in the tutorial too). So… enjoy!

YouTube links: BCM116, BCM117, BCM118
HBO links: BCM116, BCM117, BCM118

There are download versions available too; my standard versions plus HBO versions.

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