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VTHU: Illustration Round 17
Date: 7/27/14 10:52 pm

Visualizing the Halo Universe
Visual Round 17: Covenant

Remember, feedback on artwork is appreciated and encouraged.

With Halo 2: Anniversary coming out as part of the Master Chief Collection, and a slew of new content on the history of the Covenant prepped for our consumption, I thought this would be the perfect time to go back and revisit some of our favorite characters from Halo 2: the Prophets. But with a twist!


San'Shyuum Warrior


- Must be a depiction of San'Shyuum before the firing of the Halo array
- The San'Shyuum can't be in a gravity throne


Halo 2
Halo 3
Halo 2: Anniversary Terminals

Secondary Sources:

Halo: Contact Harvest


Prior to the firing of the Halo Array, the San'Shyuum were a healthy, spacefaring race, whose physical forms were drastically different than the decrepit elders of the contemporary Halo timeline. In the galactic society that existed at that time, the San'Shyuum were great specimens of raw physicality. Their warriors were lean and muscular, and their society was well regarded as a symbol of sensual pleasures. The Didact himself described the San'Shyuum as "a handsome, intelligent race, besotted with eternal sexuality and youth." A vast distinction from the Prophets that were seen in the 26th century.

In truth, the closest we've ever come to seeing these healthy San'Shyuum is in the below image taken from the Halo 2: Anniversary Terminals, where we (presumably) can see silhouettes of a group of Prophets standing upright as some Sangheili swear their fealty to them. Beyond this, the appearance of these original warrior Prophets is unknown, and open to some interpretation.

For the very first round of VTHU, I asked people to depict the Didact, to see how their ideas compared to the final design of the character. Now I'm asking something similar, with the expectation that we may be seeing some of these warrior San'Shyuum in Halo 2: Anniversary.

Extra Credit:

Depict the Prophet "Sustaining Wind" from Cryptum in his wheeled chair.

EC Sources:

Cryptum, pg. 183-184, 211-212

- - -

Can't wait to see what everyone comes up with! Remember you have two weeks to submit your entries.

And feel free to let your friends know about Visualizing the Halo Universe! The more people participate, the more great artwork we all get to enjoy!

Messages In This Thread

VTHU: Illustration Round 17Postmortem7/27/14 10:52 pm
     Re: VTHU: Illustration Round 17Grizzlei7/27/14 11:19 pm
     Re: VTHU: Illustration Round 17Quirel8/11/14 12:23 am
           Never mind.Quirel8/11/14 12:44 pm
     Last call for submissions!Postmortem8/11/14 4:11 pm
     Re: VTHU: Illustration Round 17TDSpiral8/11/14 7:10 pm
           Re: VTHU: Illustration Round 17davidfuchs8/11/14 7:20 pm
                 Re: VTHU: Illustration Round 17TDSpiral8/11/14 7:28 pm
                       Re: VTHU: Illustration Round 17Postmortem8/11/14 7:36 pm
                             Re: VTHU: Illustration Round 17davidfuchs8/11/14 7:39 pm
           Slow clap *NM*ZackDark8/11/14 7:26 pm
     Results posted.Postmortem8/11/14 7:58 pm

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