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AfroRyan's Halo Supercut Montage: The Rough Cut
Date: 7/26/14 1:58 am

In anticipation of the release of Master Chief Collection, I have created a montage video featuring footage from Halo 3, Halo Reach, and Halo 4. This is a VERY rough cut, and I'll be both editing it down and adding extra footage, fixing little errors, [not] changing the music, adding effects, etc.

I've got a few Halo 2 clips I'm going to throw in for good measure. Also, shortly after (or before, I don't know) the final release, I also have some leftover Halo Reach Beta footage that I'll upload that didn't really fit since it in the supercut since it was captured with a standard-def [toaster]. But seeing as I finished the rough cut, I figured I'd let you guys enjoy the spoils of labor. And I really mean spoils; I'm an awful player that finds more joy in running away and stalking a single person across the map than MLG superplay. Anyways, here it is:

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