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Date: 7/7/14 3:22 pm
In Response To: Re: WTF It's Bungie Day. (Joe Duplessie (SNIPE 316))

Made a mistake with that--I was talking about the lawsuit. I should've used the term 'ruling'.
There's another Law & Order:SVU marathon on. I wanted the results.
I'm not going to lie, I was furious that Marty was fired for no reason. So much so, in fact that I cancelled my pre-order for Destiny and left DBO. When I found out about the lawsuit, that's when I realized there was more than what was being told. The lawsuit itself, I don't really care about. And hiring Marty back is obviously out of the question. But if I can just find out why they fired him, I can forgive Bungie for everything.

...except the spawns.

: Honestly, if I could just get a why, I'd be happy to go back.

:... To your planet?

Yes, to my planet.

Messages In This Thread

WTF It's Bungie Day.Morpheus7/7/14 1:35 pm
     Re: WTF It's Bungie Day.Hyokin7/7/14 2:07 pm
           Yeah, I still feel 'unsure' about Destiny tookornman007/7/14 2:46 pm
                 Re: Yeah, I still feel 'unsure' about Destiny tooDEEP NNN7/7/14 3:07 pm
                       Re: Yeah, I still feel 'unsure' about Destiny tooMid7night7/7/14 3:10 pm
                       Re: Yeah, I still feel 'unsure' about Destiny tooserpx7/7/14 3:28 pm
                       Re: Yeah, I still feel 'unsure' about Destiny tookornman007/7/14 6:03 pm
                             Re: Yeah, I still feel 'unsure' about Destiny tooDEEP NNN7/7/14 6:25 pm
                       Re: Yeah, I still feel 'unsure' about Destiny toodavidfuchs7/7/14 8:27 pm
                             Re: Yeah, I still feel 'unsure' about Destiny tookornman007/8/14 9:20 am
                             Re: Yeah, I still feel 'unsure' about Destiny tooPostmortem7/8/14 2:16 pm
                 I played the Alpha. It was fun. *NM*Gravemind7/7/14 10:44 pm
     Re: Wut?Revenant19887/7/14 2:29 pm
     Re: WTF It's Bungie Day.Joe Duplessie (SNIPE 316)7/7/14 3:05 pm
           ClarificationMorpheus7/7/14 3:22 pm

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