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Customs Night (thrown back edition [Halo: Reach])
By:General Vagueness
Date: 6/18/14 6:15 pm

Customs Night is coming back yet again, and you are powerless to stop it. Fortunately Customs Night is a good, fun thing. For those wondering, Customs Night is a weekly gaming get-together held by Community Customs where we play custom games. More specifically, we play custom and standard gametypes on custom maps (and sometimes a standard map or two), ranging from large to small, from simple to complex, from competitive to silly, and from new to old. It all starts at 9:00 PM Eastern time, and continues until everyone that played (or almost everyone) wants to stop. This week we're continuing to shake things up and playing Reach again-- Halo 4 will return next week. If this sounds like fun, why not join us? To do that, simply reply to this post with your gamertag. If you do, you'll get a message when we're getting started. You don't have to post to be let into Customs Night, but we prefer to know what to expect, and if the lobby starts getting full, people that signed up will have priority in being let in.

Things to keep in mind:

- we pretty much play whatever the people present want to play
- we don't run modded content because of concerns over present and future risks of bans for it
- a CC admin (ShadowoftheVoid, Gnrl Vagueness, iHyokin, et al.) will have party lead for as long as we're doing Customs Night (we may play games afterwards that are not part of Customs Night)
- if you have something you want to play that we don't have, you'll have to let us know where to get it-- that is, the gamertag of someone that has it in their file share (you or anyone else that has it), or if you let us know ahead of time, the name
- we try to keep things varied as to what kind of maps and gametypes we play and who made them
- we value communication highly, it improves the experience and makes this all possible, so please, talk, but don't talk over people
- suggested supplies: a map, a friend, a joke, a gametype, a drink, a story, a sense of humor
- that time again is 9:00 PM EDT and the game is Halo: Reach-- I hope we'll see you then!

We're still taking feedback on a new permanent schedule, i.e. when we should play Halos 3, 4, and Reach. If you have an opinion and haven't given it, we're interested in it.

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