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Re: I hope there's no "Two For One" achievement
Date: 6/12/14 2:33 am

: I hope there's no multiplayer achievements at all. 343 is just not good at
: them.

If 343's love of stupid decisions continues, they'll probably put the multiplayer achievements in the hands of MLG players... They do have a track record...

Bravo X-Ray Romeo:
Win a Halo 2 FFA ranked match using only BXR kills. -5g

D Level:
Reach rank 50 in Halo 2 multiplayer. -10g

Messages In This Thread

I hope there's no "Two For One" achievementThe BS Police6/11/14 9:09 pm
     Re: I hope there's no "Two For One" achievementAzo 'Galvat6/11/14 9:28 pm
           Re: I hope there's no "Two For One" achievementmunky-0586/12/14 2:33 am
                 Re: I hope there's no "Two For One" achievementAzo 'Galvat6/12/14 8:29 am
     Re: I hope there's no "Two For One" achievementJaydee6/12/14 12:24 pm

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