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Because You Guys/Gals Asked For It...::Many IMGs::
Date: 6/3/14 3:40 pm

Sadly, Ript Apparel declined my designs. And there are too many colors to submit it to similar companies. So I've gone ahead and uploaded it to my Redbubble & SpreadShirt Account.

Andy Dudynsky (@Brav), or best known as Bravo from 343i has shown support on Twitter. As has Louis Wu and others. So a big Thank You to them all.

Wu informed me on Twitter (as did RedBubble via email) that he purchased a shirt. And I can't thank him enough for that. Unfortunately, he may not get it in time for E3. I've ordered my stickers from RB in the past and it took just shy of 2 weeks to arrive. I can only imagine how long it takes for a shirt that needs to dry before shipping. I' also notified when sales are shipped manufactured and shipped to the client (no other info given to me). So as soon as that happens, I'll let Wu know via Twitter.

Unless I somehow find a company will like RIPT to print it for $10 or so, the below are the best prices I can provide. Sorry.

That said, On Redbubble, you can get T-shirts in your size and color of choice. You can also get pillow cases (with or without the filler), Tote Bags, and Stickers.

On SpreadShirt, I've setup a few shirts and buttons with the designs. Your choice of size (up to 5X) and color. The great thing about SpreadShirt is that you can create your own shirts/products with your choice of designs. You can also add more then one design if you wish. Simply use the "Create" option to choose a product (phone case, glass, etc) and then choose the design(s) you wish to use and add it. You can combine designs from different artists as well.

But PLEASE NOTE: each artist has a commission set to their art if used. so the more you add to your shirt/case/etc, then the more it will cost. SpreadShirt also gets a commission off used designs. My commission is generally $4 per design. Minus the speech bubble which is free. Just something to keep in mind.

Here is how you locate my designs on SpreadShirt.

Here are the RedBubble Samples (Large Image) Please Note that YOU choose the shirt color.

Messages In This Thread

Parody Feedback Needed :img:SEspider4/17/14 10:21 pm
     Re: Parody Feedback Needed :img:Louis Wu4/17/14 10:55 pm
           Re: Parody Feedback Needed :img:SEspider4/17/14 11:01 pm
                 Re: Parody Feedback Needed :img:ncsuDuncan4/17/14 11:19 pm
                       Re: Parody Feedback Needed :img:SEspider4/18/14 3:31 am
                             Re: Parody Feedback Needed :img:ZackDark4/18/14 5:47 am
                                   Re: Parody Feedback Needed :img:Hyokin4/18/14 10:13 am
                                         Re: Or Courtney and Sean! *NM*Hyokin4/18/14 10:22 am
                                   Re: Parody Feedback Needed :img:SEspider4/18/14 12:45 pm
                                         Got it. That sucks. *NM*ZackDark4/18/14 1:37 pm
                                         Re: Parody Feedback Needed :img:General Vagueness4/18/14 9:03 pm
                                               Re: Parody Feedback Needed :img:General Vagueness4/19/14 12:22 am
                                         Not quite..RC Master4/19/14 4:30 pm
                             Courtney and Heretic? *NM*CARDO 8 ATL4/18/14 5:19 pm
     Awesome! *NM*Quirel4/17/14 10:59 pm
           Thank You *NM*SEspider4/18/14 12:46 pm
     ONE RING TO RULE THEM ALL--You Decide ::IMGs::SEspider5/22/14 4:07 pm
           Top Rightpadraig085/22/14 4:15 pm
                 Re: Top RightSEspider5/22/14 5:19 pm
           Hard choice.Quirel5/22/14 4:33 pm
                 Re: Hard choice.SEspider5/22/14 5:26 pm
                       Re: Hard choice.Quirel5/22/14 9:35 pm
                             Re: Hard choice.SEspider5/22/14 11:37 pm
           Re: ONE RING TO RULE THEM ALL--You Decide ::IMGs::serpx5/22/14 4:41 pm
                 Re: ONE RING TO RULE THEM ALL--You Decide ::IMGs::SEspider5/22/14 5:24 pm
                       Re: ONE RING TO RULE THEM ALL--You Decide ::IMGs::serpx5/22/14 6:21 pm
           Vote For Your Favorite Here... ::Online Poll::SEspider5/22/14 6:54 pm
           Suggestions and Rough Mockup.Bones5/22/14 10:51 pm
                 ThisZackDark5/22/14 11:46 pm
                 Re: Suggestions and Rough Mockup.SEspider5/23/14 1:24 am
                       Re: Suggestions and Rough Mockup.ZackDark5/23/14 3:14 am
                             Re: Suggestions and Rough Mockup.MacGyver105/23/14 5:35 pm
                                   Re: Suggestions and Rough Mockup.SEspider5/24/14 1:24 am
                                         Re: Suggestions and Rough Mockup.Bones5/24/14 10:33 am
                                               Re: Suggestions and Rough Mockup.ZackDark5/24/14 6:10 pm
                                                     Feedback and Votes still needed. Thanks.SEspider5/26/14 1:47 pm
                                                           Re: Feedback and Votes still needed. Thanks.Quirel5/27/14 1:07 am
                                                                 Re: Feedback and Votes still needed. Thanks.CARDO 8 ATL5/27/14 5:38 pm
           Because You Guys/Gals Asked For It...::Many IMGs::SEspider6/3/14 3:40 pm
                 Wish there was a "EDIT" button for posts. *NM*SEspider6/3/14 3:43 pm
                 something to be aware of...Louis Wu6/3/14 4:44 pm
                       Re: something to be aware of...Morpheus6/3/14 5:59 pm
                       THANK YOU, mastrbiggy!!! And sorry for the mistakeSEspider6/3/14 11:49 pm
                             Re: THANK YOU, mastrbiggy!!! And sorry for the mismastrbiggy6/7/14 4:23 pm
                                   Re: THANK YOU, mastrbiggy!!! And sorry for the misSEspider6/9/14 12:20 am
                 This is a great design.Nikko B2016/6/14 5:57 pm
                       Re: This is a great design.SEspider6/9/14 12:24 am
     Mastrbiggy Never Looked More Handsome! ::IMG::SEspider6/15/14 8:21 pm
           Re: Mastrbiggy Never Looked More Handsome! ::IMG::General Vagueness6/16/14 10:31 pm

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