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Re: H2:A Excitement
Date: 6/2/14 11:19 pm
In Response To: Re: H2:A Excitement (General Vagueness)

: On a side note, I'd be interested to see if the new visuals, or even the old
: visuals, "clean up" environments by having objects removed that
: are far from the player's area but still visible if you know where to look
: and are even reachable sometimes

If you're referring to not rendering things even when they're in the player's view, Halo's 1 and 2 are both pretty good about not doing that. That's not to say that there isn't lots of LOD; even Halo 1 uses extreme amounts of geometry LOD on dynamic objects. But most things that should be rendered, get rendered.

If you look carefully, you might notice that grass sprites in Halo 1 are only rendered in a small radius around the player, but that's the most obvious thing I can think of (and it's not that obvious). Objects also don't cast shadows when they're a long distance away, but you seriously have to be looking for that. Halo 2 is mostly similar in this respect.

Messages In This Thread

H2:A Excitementzofinda6/1/14 9:09 pm
     Re: H2:A ExcitementPhoenix_92866/1/14 9:36 pm
           Re: H2:A Excitementzofinda6/1/14 9:46 pm
                 Re: H2:A ExcitementPkmnrulz2406/1/14 11:04 pm
                       Don't forget all the texture pop-in to fix! *NM*ZackDark6/2/14 9:20 am
                 Re: H2:A Excitementuberfoop6/1/14 11:27 pm
                       one more week! *NM*serpx6/1/14 11:41 pm
           Re: H2:A ExcitementGeneral Vagueness6/2/14 1:08 pm
                 Re: H2:A Excitementuberfoop6/2/14 11:19 pm
                       Re: H2:A ExcitementGeneral Vagueness6/3/14 2:40 pm
                             Re: H2:A Excitementuberfoop6/3/14 3:28 pm

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