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Re: Halo 3 Cut Enemy: Flood Infection "Banger"
Date: 5/12/14 5:24 pm
In Response To: Halo 3 Cut Enemy: Flood Infection "Banger" (gamerguy2002)

: Basically think living plasma grenades:

: From Zedd's description: "So in 110_hc or "Cortana", there is
: an extra creature tag with the name
: "objects\characters\flood_infection\floo­d_infection_banger".
: Its model raw doesn't exist and its related tags never get loaded, but after
: some research I've concluded it was identical to the original infection
: form (same nodes/markers and textures) except that it is rigged to explode
: like a plasma grenade upon popping.
: I replaced the model and loaded it in place of the standard infection forms
: to create this video. Enjoy.

: Why hasn't this been documented before? Because only in the past year has the
: modding community gained enough knowledge to load it/understand it."
: .
I gotta run, but this is certainly going on the FP. Neat find!

Messages In This Thread

Halo 3 Cut Enemy: Flood Infection "Banger"gamerguy20025/12/14 12:25 am
     Re: Halo 3 Cut Enemy: Flood Infection "Banger"uberfoop5/12/14 12:39 am
           Re: Halo 3 Cut Enemy: Flood Infection "Banger"Grizzlei5/12/14 1:05 am
                 Re: Halo 3 Cut Enemy: Flood Infection "Banger"Phoenix_92865/12/14 2:09 am
                       Re: Halo 3 Cut Enemy: Flood Infection "Banger"serpx5/12/14 9:36 am
                             Re: Halo 3 Cut Enemy: Flood Infection "Banger"Revenant19885/12/14 9:45 am
                       Re: Halo 3 Cut Enemy: Flood Infection "Banger"davidfuchs5/12/14 10:10 am
                             and to answer the topicdavidfuchs5/12/14 10:12 am
     This is gonna give me vietnam flashbackspadraig085/12/14 3:21 pm
     Re: Halo 3 Cut Enemy: Flood Infection "Banger"mastrbiggy5/12/14 5:24 pm

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