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Kirkland [Halo 3 machinima]
Date: 4/22/14 1:11 pm

Thought I'd stop by today to share a little something, something.

Five years ago, some friends and I released our first finished Halo machinima, "Kirkland". We got positive feedback from it and decided to continue the story, releasing Chapters 2 and 3 over the next year or so. Unfortunately, a series of computer disasters and intense procrastination on my part prevented any work on the final two chapters.

Now, I have gone back and re-uploaded the first chapters to be released over the next several months in anticipation of the completion of Chapters 4 and 5 later this year.

And so here it is, Chapter 1 of the "Kirkland" saga:

"Arthur B. James is the last know on earth after a planet wide incident over five years ago. Kept company only be his subconscious's portrayal of a living city around him, Arthur runs and maintains the city of Kirkland, California."

Please enjoy and give a like and a share. I hope you look forward to each chapter as they are released!!!

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