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Re: IWHBYD Trigger
By:Captain Spark
Date: 4/12/14 10:38 pm
In Response To: IWHBYD Trigger (Cody Miller)

: Ok.

: Has it been definitively shown what the triggers are for the IWHBYD skull in
: Halo 2? It still seems random…

: If we can figure out the megg, how about this? Any Bungie peeps who want to
: chime in would be most welcome. Come on, it's been 10 years. You can spoil
: :-p

If memory serves, I believe it was a ratio of about 1:5 to a 1:7 chance of triggering the skull. I think Marty confirmed that many years ago!

Messages In This Thread

IWHBYD TriggerCody Miller4/12/14 7:05 pm
     This *NM*ZackDark4/12/14 7:26 pm
     Re: IWHBYD TriggerCaptain Spark4/12/14 10:38 pm
     Re: IWHBYD TriggerMorpheus4/14/14 4:06 am

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