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Re: 100 not out *VID*
Date: 4/11/14 6:05 pm
In Response To: Re: 100 not out *VID* (Rockslider)

: Wow, that's some pretty good shooting! On the entrance side of the cavern,
: I'm very careful where I stand, if Johnson's around.

Well, it was a constrained space - I had gotten all the Marines over to the entrance side of the broken bridge, so they were all compacted together in a fairly tight area. Johnson usually manages to get a couple of friendly fire kills no matter where they're at, so as I'm sniping I'll hear *BAM!* "Gugh!" "Sorry, Soldier." Another oddity is that one of the Ghosts is mannable by the Marines (not my original intent, I assure you), and so as I'm sitting on the box I'll hear someone mount up, then drive around below for a little while, and then eventually just drive straight off the edge. It seems like the Marines' driving AI does not take into account the way the Ghost doesn't stop immediately, so they'll drive right up to the drop-off but slow down too late, and go flying off. It's quite hilarious.

I've also been able to... convince the Marines to fall to their deaths... en masse. Apparently, when exiting vehicles, the AI does not consider where they'll end up. Scorpions are great for this, as long as you can avoid squishing the Marines. Flying to the bottom and seeing the pile of corpses is one of the funniest parts.

Also, when I first set up my Cavern Megabattle, I found there were a couple of Marines (about two or three, to be precise) that had lingered in the Two-Wraith Area. So I would kill all the Marines, and a while later find a couple more coming in, inexplicably. I eventually was able to coax them into the checkpoint zone and get a new save, however. I was wondering, have you encountered anything similar?


Messages In This Thread

100 not out *VID*Rockslider4/9/14 5:20 pm
     Re: 100 not out *VID*PerseusSpartacus4/9/14 6:33 pm
           Thanks *NM*Rockslider4/9/14 7:35 pm
     Re: 100 not out *VID*kreativekill4/9/14 8:23 pm
           Re: 100 not out *VID*Rockslider4/9/14 8:34 pm
                 Re: 100 not out *VID*kreativekill4/9/14 9:52 pm
     Re: 100 not out *VID*scarab4/10/14 1:08 pm
           Re: 100 not out *VID*Rockslider4/10/14 3:27 pm
                 Re: 100 not out *VID*scarab4/10/14 4:03 pm
                       Re: 100 not out *VID*Rockslider4/10/14 4:33 pm
                             Re: 100 not out *VID*PerseusSpartacus4/10/14 5:40 pm
                                   Re: 100 not out *VID*Rockslider4/10/14 6:33 pm
                                         Re: 100 not out *VID*PerseusSpartacus4/11/14 4:01 pm
                                               Re: 100 not out *VID*Rockslider4/11/14 4:52 pm
                                                     Re: 100 not out *VID*PerseusSpartacus4/11/14 6:05 pm
                                                           Re: 100 not out *VID*Rockslider4/11/14 8:01 pm
           Re: 100 not out *VID*uberfoop4/10/14 3:51 pm
                 Re: 100 not out *VID*scarab4/10/14 4:06 pm
                       Re: 100 not out *VID*Rockslider4/10/14 4:18 pm
                             I concede *NM*scarab4/10/14 4:34 pm

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