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Re: Achievement Seeking Assist (All Alone)
Date: 4/8/14 4:16 pm
In Response To: Achievement Seeking Assist (All Alone) (Compton)

: Looking to try to organize a party to get this achievement. I am not asking
: for anyone to let me get it. I just need a full party that has the Defiant
: DLC so that I even have a chance of the map coming up.

: Reminder This is a Halo Reach Achievement.

: Needing 7 other people. I am available most nights after 8pm CST.

: Any takers?

At first, I had no idea what the hell you were talking about--All Alone? I looked it up, now I remember. I can help you with this, but let me warn you--anyone who joins you is going to be in for a LONG night. I looked it up on Halopedia--Condemned is the ONLY Defiant Map in the Infection playlist.

Less than a 30% chance of getting a match on that map. So for all the times we get something else, we'll need a plan to get the game over as QUICKLY as possible. Not to mention, we might(God forbid) finally get Condemned, and find out YOU'RE the zombie each round!

But I was never able to earn Pull! legitimately, and I got a lot of gracious help from you guys, I'd be happy to return the favor, as I've done before.

My friends list is full, but you can still send an invite. If you get an HBOer that's in my list, that's even easier.

Messages In This Thread

Achievement Seeking Assist (All Alone)Compton4/6/14 11:53 pm
     Re: Achievement Seeking Assist (All Alone)MacGyver104/7/14 10:00 am
           Re: Achievement Seeking Assist (All Alone)Compton4/7/14 9:55 pm
                 Re: Achievement Seeking Assist (All Alone)Jironimo4/8/14 2:04 pm
     Re: Achievement Seeking Assist (All Alone)Morpheus4/8/14 4:16 pm
           Re: Achievement Seeking Assist (All Alone)Compton4/8/14 7:17 pm
                 Re: Achievement Seeking Assist (All Alone)Morpheus4/9/14 2:06 am
                       Re: Achievement Seeking Assist (All Alone)Compton4/10/14 9:44 pm
           Re: Achievement Seeking Assist (All Alone)Compton4/10/14 10:15 pm
                 Re: Achievement Seeking Assist (All Alone)davidfuchs4/10/14 10:35 pm
                       Agreed.Morpheus4/10/14 11:18 pm
                 Re: Achievement Seeking Assist (All Alone)Morpheus4/10/14 11:42 pm
     Re: Achievement Seeking Assist (All Alone)random eskimoo4/13/14 5:14 pm
           Re: Achievement Seeking Assist (All Alone)random eskimoo4/13/14 5:15 pm
                 Re: Achievement Seeking Assist (All Alone)random eskimoo4/13/14 5:17 pm
                       Re: Achievement Seeking Assist (All Alone)random eskimoo4/14/14 4:22 pm
                             Re: Achievement Seeking Assist (All Alone)breitzen4/14/14 5:58 pm
                                   Re: Achievement Seeking Assist (All Alone)random eskimoo4/15/14 1:43 pm
                             Re: Achievement Seeking Assist (All Alone)Morpheus4/15/14 10:14 am
                                   Re: Achievement Seeking Assist (All Alone)random eskimoo4/15/14 1:46 pm

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