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So Titanfall, Sure...*SOT*
Date: 4/2/14 3:31 am

I saw some videos and reviews, and man that game looks really fun! All I can think about is like, a modded gametype for Halo to represent Titnafall. I'm thinking like, Rifles Only, and every 5 kills or so, you get Ordnance. But instead of weapons or powerups, you get a Mantis as your Titan!

But the Titan is modified, too! It moves at about the speed of a boosting Wraith, and has slightly more damage resistance! Now, we obviously can't do any Mirror's Edge free running, but higher player speed and maybe Thrusters with AA should do the trick.

That's my thought on something so crazy.

Messages In This Thread

So Titanfall, Sure...*SOT*Morpheus4/2/14 3:31 am
     Re: So Titanfall, Sure...*SOT*DEEP NNN4/2/14 7:51 am
           Don't forget PC!! :DJDQuackers4/2/14 8:58 am
                 Re: Don't forget PC!! :DZackDark4/2/14 8:25 pm
           Re: So Titanfall, Sure...*SOT*Morpheus4/2/14 10:15 am
                 Re: So Titanfall, Sure...*SOT*DEEP NNN4/2/14 2:53 pm

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