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Re: AOTCR - Detached dropship turret tutorials *VI
Date: 4/1/14 7:31 am

: Finally (some while after my earlier movie ) I've got some tutorial vids for
: getting a detached dropship turret in AOTCR. BCM98 shows how you can
: set things up for making detachment attempts (there's some covie slaying
: to enjoy along the way), and BCM99 covers the actual detachment
: technique with multiple examples.

: YouTube links: BCM98 , BCM99
: HBO links: BCM98 , BCM99

: There are download versions available as well; my standard versions plus HBO
: versions.

There are many headslapping moments in there, Rockslider, but the biggie for me is how you stole the first Banshee. I've been stealing that Banshee for years, always from the far end, hoping to hit the edge of it just right, an approach that was problematic in that the physics didn't always cooperate.

Fun videos. Thanks!

Messages In This Thread

AOTCR - Detached dropship turret tutorials *VIDS*Rockslider3/30/14 8:24 pm
     Re: AOTCR - Detached dropship turret tutorials *VIPerseusSpartacus3/31/14 3:51 pm
           Re: AOTCR - Detached dropship turret tutorials *VIRockslider3/31/14 6:14 pm
     Re: AOTCR - Detached dropship turret tutorials *VIKermit4/1/14 7:31 am
           Re: AOTCR - Detached dropship turret tutorials *VIRockslider4/1/14 8:44 am

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