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Re: Blind Dawn Ending
By:Louis Wu
Date: 2/22/14 3:31 pm
In Response To: Blind Dawn Ending (Morpheus)

: I have no idea why, but I always feel uncomfortable watching the Dawn finale
: with the HUD enabled--it does not feel like a cutscene to me at all. So I
: recorded a version with Blind(and Black Eye) on for viewing enjoyment, if
: you like.

Hmm. This seems really weird to me - I can see my 'hands', and they're in gloves... but I'm not wearing my helmet?

Heh - I probably feel about this one like you felt about the original. :)

Messages In This Thread

Blind Dawn EndingMorpheus2/20/14 8:35 pm
     Re: Blind Dawn EndingGrizzlei2/20/14 9:10 pm
           Dat atmospheric HUD. *NM*uberfoop2/20/14 11:23 pm
           Re: Blind Dawn Endingdavidfuchs2/21/14 11:21 am
           Re: Blind Dawn EndingGeneral Vagueness2/21/14 7:25 pm
                 Re: Blind Dawn EndingGrizzlei2/21/14 7:30 pm
     Re: Blind Dawn Endinguber_chaos2/21/14 1:04 am
     Re: Blind Dawn Endinggamerguy20022/21/14 1:49 am
           Sure, Why Not.Morpheus2/21/14 9:52 am
     Slightly unrelated, but..DHalo2/21/14 12:31 pm
           Re: Slightly unrelated, but..MacGyver102/21/14 1:02 pm
                 Re: Slightly unrelated, but..DHalo2/21/14 2:38 pm
                       Re: Slightly unrelated, but..ZackDark2/21/14 10:06 pm
                             Re: Slightly unrelated, but..DHalo2/22/14 10:39 pm
     Re: Blind Dawn EndingLouis Wu2/22/14 3:31 pm
           Re: Blind Dawn Endinguberfoop2/22/14 4:11 pm

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