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Re: You're in the minority...
Date: 2/21/14 6:50 pm
In Response To: You're in the minority... (SEspider)

: My roommate got a X1 for his birthday and he bought Ryse even tough I
: strongly suggested DeadRising instead.
: We both hate it. Not the story or graphics. They are great. But the gameplay
: is just sooooo terrible. The controls suck at times and the boss fights
: are easy but take soooooooooooooooooooo long to complete because you can
: only land one or two hits before they start blocking again. Then you have
: to wait for a certain move to counter them and get your next hit in. They
: controls don't always respond when they should and every battle is the
: same lame actions.

: I beat it one day just so I don't have to play it again.

I agree that the controls aren't always as responsive as I would like and the game can get a bit repetitive. I often hoped for a lull in the combat so I could just explore the cities, forests, etc. However, on higher difficultly settings, you can take so few hits that the game becomes more strategic and requires a fair bit more skill which has kept me interested. Also, I guess the story and graphics make up for some of the gameplay faults in my eyes. I'm not saying that I'll still be playing Ryse in a year or even in a month after Titanfall comes out, but I certainly found some fun in the game.

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What's the best game on Xbox One right now? *sOT*Mixmasterchief2/20/14 6:20 pm
     Re: What's the best game on Xbox One right now? *spete_the_duck2/20/14 6:58 pm
           Re: What's the best game on Xbox One right now? *sMixmasterchief2/20/14 10:07 pm
     Re: What's the best game on Xbox One right now? *sArteenEsben2/20/14 9:01 pm
     Re: What's the best game on Xbox One right now? *sNeloms2/20/14 10:21 pm
           Re: What's the best game on Xbox One right now? *sNeloms2/20/14 10:25 pm
                 You're in the minority...SEspider2/21/14 5:30 pm
                       Re: You're in the minority...Neloms2/21/14 6:50 pm

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