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Re: Yes.
Date: 2/13/14 11:29 am
In Response To: Yes. (Phoenix_9286)

: I have friends I've known for the better part of 15 years that I still talk
: to on AIM, because we've never found a reason to use anything else. I have
: friends that are still using MSN for the same reason.

: Presumably you all use Skype or something else. Like Facebook.

: I think Skype is a flaming pile of shit, and Facebook is a creeper in a van
: with "Free Candy" written on the side.

: Trillian connects to all the services I need, it's roughly four and a half
: times easier on my memory than Skype, it's simple, it isn't a bloated
: screen hog like Skype, and it doesn't want to know everything about my
: life and ask me to be friends with people I don't know and don't care to
: know.

: I realize I'm probably being overly defensive and ranting. My apologies. I
: just don't see a reason to switch away from the old things I use when all
: the newer things suck so dramatically and all I want to do is put some
: text on the screen to someone else in the smallest amount of screen real
: estate I can manage.

I feel you, MSN is still best service hands down glad that fan made patch can still keep it alive. can't stand Skype but unfortunately I have to use Facebook's client due to circumstance, I hate that my arms twisted to use such a limited service to just chat with my buddies.

I heard Trillian and Pidgin may get shut off due to some 3rd party support being cut off from Skype, is that true?

Messages In This Thread

Tashi is now Community Coordinator at 343 *NM*pete_the_duck2/11/14 9:38 pm
     Also Chris Buckley left 343 recently *NM*pete_the_duck2/11/14 9:41 pm
           Don't reply, Avateur. Don't do it. p.s., check AIM *NM*pete_the_duck2/11/14 9:42 pm
                 People still use AIM? (Serious question.) *NM*Pkmnrulz2402/12/14 6:22 pm
                       Yes, via Trillian *NM*Phoenix_92862/12/14 6:40 pm
                             People still use Trillian? *NM*Arithmomaniac2/12/14 6:59 pm
                                   Yes.Phoenix_92862/12/14 10:05 pm
                                         What Phoenix said ^ *NM*kornman002/13/14 8:42 am
                                         Re: Yes.gamerguy20022/13/14 11:29 am
                                               Re: Yes.Phoenix_92862/13/14 1:50 pm
                                         Re: Yes.Arithmomaniac2/13/14 2:19 pm
                                               Re: Yes.Phoenix_92862/13/14 2:49 pm
                       Well, yeah, obviously :)pete_the_duck2/12/14 9:27 pm
           Re: Also Chris Buckley left 343 recentlygamerguy20022/12/14 1:33 pm
                 Re: Also Chris Buckley left 343 recentlyLouis Wu2/12/14 3:41 pm
                       Re: Also Chris Buckley left 343 recentlyCody Miller2/12/14 5:02 pm
                             Re: Also Chris Buckley left 343 recentlygamerguy20022/12/14 9:26 pm
                                   Re: Also Chris Buckley left 343 recentlyuberfoop2/12/14 11:29 pm
                                         Re: Also Chris Buckley left 343 recentlyAvateur2/12/14 11:53 pm
                                               Re: Also Chris Buckley left 343 recentlyJoe Duplessie (SNIPE 316)2/13/14 12:50 am
                                                     Lol! *NM*Quirel2/13/14 1:01 am
                                                     Re:That made me laugh... really hard. *NM*Hyokin2/13/14 9:45 am
                                               Re: Also Chris Buckley left 343 recentlygamerguy20022/13/14 11:32 am
                       Re: Also Chris Buckley left 343 recentlygamerguy20022/12/14 9:30 pm
                       Re: Also Chris Buckley left 343 recentlyJironimo2/13/14 2:28 pm
     Why not reply? That position means nothing to meAvateur2/12/14 12:10 am
     So... Propaganda and Spin department?RC Master2/12/14 3:23 pm
           The plaque on the door reads "MiniTrue"Quirel2/12/14 3:39 pm
           Re: So... Propaganda and Spin department?Cody Miller2/12/14 5:00 pm

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