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Re: Customs Night - 1/25/14 (Reach)
Date: 1/24/14 2:17 am
In Response To: Customs Night - 1/25/14 (Reach) (Hyokin)

: Starting this weekend, in order to commemorate 4-years of Customs Night, I
: will be resurrecting my Halo: Reach game nights.

So, I haven't really been keeping up to date with the Customs Night news, but is this a commemorative weekend event or will this be a weekly occurrence? I'd be interested in playing some good ol' Reach, as Halo 4 doesn't appeal to my taste as much.

Messages In This Thread

Customs Night - 1/25/14 (Reach)Hyokin1/23/14 11:08 am
     I'll try to make it.Gravemind1/23/14 2:50 pm
           Re: I'll try to make it.Hyokin1/23/14 4:41 pm
                 proably notJoshinhuman1/23/14 11:31 pm
                       Re: Sorry to hear that... *NM*Hyokin1/24/14 11:16 am
     Re: Customs Night - 1/25/14 (Reach)Bones1/24/14 2:17 am
           Re: Customs Night - 1/25/14 (Reach)Hyokin1/24/14 11:16 am
     Re: Reminder!Hyokin1/25/14 3:48 pm
           Re: Running late!Hyokin1/25/14 9:26 pm
                 Re: Come on in!Hyokin1/25/14 10:21 pm

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