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Re: Lightening Flag was my worst Halo experience e
Date: 1/22/14 7:07 pm

: Everyone spawns with Light Rifles, instant kills, no motion tracker, capture
: the flag.

: Was against a party of 4 level 130s, two on my team quit within the first 2
: minutes. The other team just spawn camped the entire time, average life
: wasn't for longer than 10 seconds. They scored 3 flags instantly, then
: just deliberately avoided scoring to drag out the game. Ugh so awful,
: never again.

Lightning Flag is my ultimate joy. Just get me in on your party and you'll have both scores and kills! Well, maybe not the kills.
The spawning is pretty bad. Especially on Ravine. However, when teams stick together, things go a lot better.

Never pick up the Concussion Rifle. Always go for Hologram, Carbine and DEFINITELY Auto-Sentry. Now THAT is your ultimate weapon.

Messages In This Thread

Action Sack gettin' new stuff!pete_the_duck1/16/14 6:47 am
     Re: Action Sack gettin' new stuff!Joe Duplessie (SNIPE 316)1/16/14 8:25 am
           Re: Action Sack gettin' new stuff!Hyokin1/16/14 9:48 am
           Re: Action Sack gettin' new stuff!gamerguy20021/16/14 10:42 am
           A questiongamerguy20021/16/14 10:45 am
                 You Know The Answer To That. *NM*Morpheus1/16/14 10:50 am
                 Re: A questionJoe Duplessie (SNIPE 316)1/16/14 11:03 am
                       Re: A questionJoe Duplessie (SNIPE 316)1/16/14 11:04 am
                             Re: A questiongamerguy20021/17/14 11:02 am
     One Life Per Round?!Morpheus1/16/14 9:50 am
           Re: One Life Per Round?!Joe Duplessie (SNIPE 316)1/16/14 11:10 am
                 Re: One Life Per Round?!Revenant19881/16/14 11:28 am
                       Re: One Life Per Round?!Joe Duplessie (SNIPE 316)1/16/14 11:35 am
                             Re: The gauntlet has been thrown down... *NM*Hyokin1/16/14 11:43 am
                             Re: One Life Per Round?!Revenant19881/16/14 12:12 pm
     Congrats Guys! *NM*SEspider1/16/14 12:59 pm
     Nice job, fellas *NM*CARDO 8 ATL1/16/14 8:44 pm
     Congratulations (to everyone) *NM*General Vagueness1/17/14 12:49 am
     Action Sack update is now live! Go play and post! *NM*pete_the_duck1/20/14 12:44 pm
           I am doing it for you duck *NM*Joshinhuman1/20/14 1:17 pm
           No. I refuse unless you play, tooAvateur1/20/14 8:46 pm
                 Re: No. I refuse unless you play, toopete_the_duck1/20/14 10:14 pm
                       Re: No. I refuse unless you play, tooAvateur1/21/14 7:44 pm
     Lightening Flag was my worst Halo experience everApollo1/20/14 11:56 pm
           Re: Lightening Flag was my worst Halo experience eLouis Wu1/21/14 12:44 pm
           Re: Lightening Flag was my worst Halo experience eMorpheus1/22/14 7:07 pm

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